Question about Big Bird.

As Big Bird is telling his friends back home about his trip he says Then I looked up and I saw.......saw Miss Finch. When he says Saw Miss Finch does he mean when he saw Miss Finch coming down the road in her van or when he saw the airplane which were actually his friends Ernie and Bert and he thought it was Miss Finch?


Why did Sid Sleaze go to jail, when it was only Sam whom took the boy's apple?

What did Sid do wrong? How was justice served? Why did Sid go to jail for a crime that he wasn't part of or involved in?

Poor Sid. I think Sam was guilty. I cry my heart out everytime the state trooper pulls the truck over and arrests the two men!

I don't think it was fair to call Sid a villian, a baddie or an antagonist. He was just a follower of Sam and obeying orders!

Why did the two men go to jail, when Sam didn't even share the apple?

Sid should not have gone to jail, or even been arrested!


accessory after the fact (he knew of the crime and did not try to stop it or notify the police).
Besides - it's a kids' movie!


...he meant he saw Miss Finch when she drove up to them and he had to make a break for it to the hayfield.


Because Big Bird is stupid.
