the sleaze's demise

I dont think the Sleaze bros. really went to jail because State Trooper (John Candy) only said "tell it to the judge" that doesnt mean they were arrested. only Sid said as he was crying " THE JUDGE, SAM!!, JAIL!"



the sleaze brothers were never on Sesame street. only in this movie


As viewers, the cop stopping the Sleaze Brothers is meant to give us closure. It probably would've been more bothersome if we didn't know what happened to them after Big Bird escapes. What's to stop them from stealing more apples from other kids, and making them pay more money to get off their fair rides? After all, at least in a kid's movie, the bad guys should pay for the bad things they did.


What if they had appeared on Sesame Street to capture Big Bird again?


If they had a judge like Lance *beep* Ito, they might've gotten off. But they were pinched and that was that.
