This movie made me cry

For some reason I still cant get this movie out of my head. I remember watching it on video when I was about 5 yrs old or so. I loved this movie and for awhile I thought I was losing my mind because nobody else seemed to know about the movie when bigbird turned blue. I still remember crying when bigbird was kidnapped and he looked so sad.




shut up james we dont give a sh*t



James just exactly how old are you and why do you care so much about how people think about sesame street?




My son was about the same age. My father flew with cameramen alongside the by-planes, so we were especially interested in watching it. What we didn't expect was for my son to start crying when Big Bird started singing (when he was blue) in the cage. We still tease him about it today, but I think he'll be relieved to know that someone else found this part to be very sad. Thanks for sharing that with us.


I got a little misty when I saw this in the theatre back in '85. Bluebird of Happiness bit got me.


Oh sure, some think it's cool to make fun of people because they showed an emotional feeling towards a character on-screen.

Big Bird's situation is kind of like Pinocchio: he's been tricked by these two guys, and he doesn't know if he'll ever see his friends again.

Also, Big Bird is supposed to be 6 years old, which explains why he didn't fully understand just how dastardly the Sleaze Brothers were.

Btw, I feel this is probably the 2nd saddest song moment for Big Bird. Just try and watch his performance at Jim Henson's Memorial Service, where he sings 'Being Green.'

"I...Drink...YOUR...MILKSHAKE!!" -Daniel Plainview, "There Will Be Blood"


Why did both Sleaze brothers go to jail, when it was only Sam who stole the apple?

How come Sid was arrested, when Sam was real culprit? I felt extremely sorry for Sid, who did nothing wrong but ended up with a life sentence for stealing the boy's apple!

How come the state trooper would not give up looking for the two Sleaze brothers? Why didn't he just go to the fun fair, where the boy had his apple stolen?

How come Sid couldn't cry real tears?

Sid was a good bloke, just misled by Sam! We find this out, when Big Bird is singing 'The Blue Bird of Happiness Song' and Sid starts crying.

Poor Sid!


This movie freaked me out as a kid 'cause I thought they had painted big bird blue. I was traumatized.

I'm sellin my soul to the Devil in you



The only thing I recall about seeing this in the theater is a woman that sat next to my mother and I. At the end of the film, she was wiping tears away and turned to my mother saying, "I can't believe I'm crying over a Muppet..."

Doesn't matter what a character is made out of (felt, ink and paint, pixels, flesh), if it's done right, you care about what happens to them.


Why did Sid go to jail? He did nothing wrong! He was innocent and a sweet man. Sam was guilty as hell and belonged in jail.

Why didn't Miss Finch try and release the two men and get them out of their situation? She placed stray birds in good homes. Could she get innocent men out on remand?


i watched the bluebird song on youtube a couple months ago...sobbing, i was sobbing watching it, & i'm a 20-year-old dude, that's either the effect the adorable muppets have on me or the level of how big a pussy i am & judging from all the different things that can make me cry, it's probably the latter.



It is harsh to say that Sid Sleaze is a villain in this movie, despite getting a comupprance!

Miss Finch, who was also a baddie (and more of a threat to Big Bird) gets off scott-free. She just carries on with her search to put stray birds in good homes. The Sleaze Brothers are sent to jail and never seen again.

All Warner Brothers like to see bad guys punnished, so why did the Sleaze Brothers go to jail and not Miss. Finch?

Why didn't Miss. Finch get punnished for trying to take Big Bird back to the Dodos, when he was extremely unhappy there?


This movie always makes me cry, but the song that does it for me is actually "One Little Star." It always makes me feel so homesick (I'm from Florida but have been living in China for years). I don't think I'm a pussy (well, maybe a little). I just think this is a great film, totally underrated and under-known.

"Let's go get sushi, and not pay."


Both Sam and Sid Sleaze should not have gone to jail, when it wa only Sam who stole the boy apple!

Sid Sleaze was not a brutalized character. He was a follower. If Sid had had a better brother, he would not have done wrong!

I think it was totally unfair that both men went to jail, when Sam was the man who stole the boy's apple.

This movie ended unfairly. Maybe if a sequel is ever made, it should contained a scene where the Sam is sent down and Sid is let off! The only witness or bystander was the small boy, who had his apple so perhaps it was not a complete catch-22 situation!


When I first saw it at a theatre, I felt sad at the thought of him leaving Sesame Street after all those years there. But I kept it to myself. My cousin sure didn't though. She cried and had to be comforted by my stepgrandfather. I looked over at her and thought, "What the heck's the matter with you, kid? This is a kids movie so you're supposed to be enjoying it." But she's one year younger than so I guess it makes a difference. That's one moment my mother and I remember to this day.


Sid Sleaze was a very nice man. He did not take (or steal) the boy's apple. He was just a bandstander. Sam was the real villian. He should have spent everyday of his life in prison.

Why did Sid go to jail, when it was only Sam who stole the apple?

Sid was clean and should have carried on running the fun fair.

I think people forget that The Sleaze Brothers had little money and could barely afford to eat.

Why was the kid so mean to both Sam and Sid Sleaze? Where was his mom and dad?

Why did the boy have to report the two brothers to the police? Why didn't he just let the inciddent beforgotten about?


Ya know, I don't think Sid should have gone to jail either.


I am so happy that thought that Sid was a good person as well. He never put a foot wrong and always admitting to doing wrong.

Sam on the other hand was thug and tried to act tough. Sam bullied his brother and even told him to "Shut up" in front of the police officer.

Why did the boy have to report the two men. Why did he still hold a grudge, days after the theft took place?



Sid Sleaze did not take the boy's apple, therefore should not have been sent to jail!

Sam was the man whom took the boy's apple, and therefore deserved to be punnished!

Why did both men go to jail, when it was only Sam who stole the apple? Sid Sleaze was the good guy in this film.

Both Sam Sleaze and Miss Finch (who went unpunnished) were the real villians of this movie!

Sid was not even paying attention, when Big Bird was reported missing on the news!

Sam was the brains behind all the schemes!

Only Sam should have gone to jail, as he was the man who stole the apple!


I liked Big Bird's song about being blue, then later in high school I became a Goth. I think it might be more than a coincidence.


That song always never fails to make me start crying. The part where he is talking to the two kids too opens the floodgates for me too. I hate seeing him so sad and trapped in that cage. I am 28 years old and it still has that effect on me. If I see that part, I will just cry my eyes out.


The part I always cry at is when Big Bird is first leaving and Marie says, "Don't forget, Big Bird, we love you!" The music during that moment is so poignant, you can't help but tear up.

"Can it be that they are mad themselves who call me mad?"


I did too when i was 4 seeing this in theaters and that scene still does move me.

How about another emotional Henson moment being Saying Goodbye in Muppets Take Manhattan?

You killed Captain Clown, YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN-The Joker on Batman TAS
