MovieChat Forums > Follow That Bird (1985) Discussion > Any other movies or specials?

Any other movies or specials?

My little girl loves Sesame Street, and the Muppets, and truth be told so do I (we live in the UK though and it's not broadcast over here)

But we've just watched Follow That Bird for the first time and it was excellent. Just wondering if there were more Movies or Specials like it?

We've got Elmo In Grouchland and seen the recent Cookie Thief too. But if any of you nice American lot know of any more I'd be grateful.


Big Bird in China is great. There is another one where he goes to Japan. Also be sure to check out I Am Big Bird. An amazing documentary, not just because of its subject matter, but also how it showcases the human spirit to leave a positive impression on others.


Definitely check out the classics Christmas Eve on Sesame Street and The Muppet Family Christmas, which has the Muppets, sesame street gang, and Fraggle Rock characters.

Also, I don't know how easy it is to find it, but Don't Eat the Pictures was another good one. Big Bird, Grover, Oscar and friends visit the museum and accidentally get locked in for the night. Great songs.

These are all older specials, but classics that I look forward to sharing with my baby girl. I wish I could remember the names of other specials we taped so long ago.
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Don't eat the pictures sounds great. I'll try to hunt that one down.

It such a shame they don't air it in the UK anymore
