Sam and Sid jail.

How long would Sam and Sid go to jail for their crimes?


I don't know but I would've drove off. He was a MOTORCYCLE COP. He had no radio so he couldn't have called for backup. They should've took off like a bat outta hell.

tRuE sTAR LeGEnd


That scene was meant to bring closure to the viewers (mostly young kids) and show that the Sleazes got in trouble afterall.

EDIT: The Sleazes thought they were going to sweet talk their way out of the situation. Notice how one of them said "What seems to be the problem, officer?", with a phony, guilty smile. I'm sure they didn't expect the kid who's apple was stolen to just so happen to be with the cop.

XTRO Theme:


On charges of at least three felonies (counterfeiting, practicing dentistry without a license, and kidnapping) if not five as extortion and fraud can be in that category, the approximate time in prison would be between twenty-five and thirty years.


So if they got 25-30 they would've just gotten out of jail last year or in 2010 Lol. Then they'd be broke and likely homeless out to seek revenge on Big Bird.
