Cat dead.

Details later.


That scene always cracked me up.



I thought of Church from Pet Sematary when I heard it squall.

Being too lazy to read, I bought the Gospel of Winchester on DVD, Seasons 1-7.


I was going to tell you!


And can I just say West looks amazing in this scene. The dark shadow the glasses cast over his eyes and the icy stare he gives Meg. You can feel the utter contempt he has for her and everything he thinks she represents. Plus you can see his concern that Dan is angry at him (which Meg is encouraging).

"Acting -- the best special effect there is." (Stuart Gordon on Reanimator commentary)


I laughed really hard because I have a related personal story:

When I was away at college, my cat got hit by a car and died. Mom called and told me, and I wanted to bury him myself, so we stored him in a box in our big freezer til I came home a few weeks later. Well, I came home, and buried the cat, but not before getting a good look at him and it creeped me out (I'll spare you the details).

Skip ahead several months, and I'm in Poetry Workshop class, and the first poem we wrote has to be based on a memory. I picked the "dead cat in a freezer" story, and wrote a suitably creepy poem about it. When it came time to listen to my classmates' criticism, I got one question over and over: why was there a dead cat in your freezer? I'd forgotten to explain, and had to make it clear in the rewrite.

There is no objective reality... and that's Sucker Punch


Watch the movie Martin and Orloff. There's a similar story/scene about a dead dog.


That's hilarious. Pretty cool of your mom to let you have the honors of being there at the burial. Not sure I'd want a dead cat in my freezer so long.

"The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."


I got one question over and over: why was there a dead cat in your freezer? I'd forgotten to explain, and had to make it clear in the rewrite.

I gotta say, without the explanation sounds much better. Just a random dead cat in the freezer. Now that's a poem worthy of Poe himself.

Can't stop the signal.



There is no objective reality... and that's Sucker Punch


It's alright. I'm sure that no one at all thought you were a serial killer. No need to worry. 😁



Do you agree that it's dead now?




Wait a minute... who am I here?
