MovieChat Forums > Re-Animator (1985) Discussion > Best line in the movie?

Best line in the movie?

My favorite line from this movie is said when Herbert West lets it slip that Dr. Hill was killed. When asked incredulously, "Dr. Hill is dead?", West replies sheepishly: "He was."



The talking head comment was my favorite.


In the bed scene of Megan and Dan at the beginning of the movie, you can see a poster of the 80's Band "Talking Heads" hanging on the wall just over the bed - surely no coincidence, concerning what happens later in the movie with talking heads. Very funny!


I like the one line:

"What did you want me to write, Dan? 'Cat dead, details later'?"
-Herbert West


Man's greatest invention - unbreakable plastic!


"I told you I had a plan... OverDOSE!"


Without a doubt, the obvious "you'll never get credit for my discovery, who's going to believe a talking head? get a job in a sideshow!" line. hearing that in a trailer is what made me want to see the movie in the first place.

the owls are not what they seem.


That line is my favorite, tied with West's: "And what would a note have said, Dan? 'Cat dead, details later?'" :D LOL

What is this? This is piss. Piss with ink.


"You'll never get credit for my discovery! Who's going to believe a talking head? Get a job in a sideshow!"

My movies at:


"I found it that way it had it's head stuck in a jar. I couldn't just leave it lying around, I did NOT want to stink up the place, beside what would a note say? Cat dead, details later?" Oh BTW the "who's going to believe a talking head" thing was in Bride of Re-Animator not the original.


Actually, "You'll never get credit for my discovery, who's going to believe a talking head. Get a job in a sideshow," IS from the original Re-Animator. It's the most quoted line in the film. Jeffrey Combs mentions in the commentary that he wished he would have put a pause between the "talking head" line and "get a job in a sideshow," because audiences missed the last line since they were laughing at, "Who's going to believe a talking head."

I have so many favorite lines in the film, I can't choose.

One of the ones I like lately is from the deleted dream sequence:

"She's hungry for it. Soon, she'll be mad for it."

The Combs Corner - The Latest on Jeffrey Combs


"Get a job in a sideshow" is quality but there is another great line that's really hard to hear. It's when West walks into the lab while Dr Hill is touching up Megan. He says something similar to:

"I have to say I'm suprised at you Dr Hill, first you try and steal my discovery and now I walk in to find you playing with bubble-headed beast."

Can anyone get the full quote?


Nope, it was in the orig.

"WHOOPSIE DAISY!!!!" - Bill the Butcher


when Megan comes into the morgue looking for her Dad/Dad and Herbert calls her a bi+ch, that's hilarious!!!

Also: "You steal the secret to immortality and here you are trysting with the bubble-headed co-ed."

Detective... Thrill Me!


"It had probably been dead too long. It wasn't fresh enough."



My favourite would have to be from Herbert West: "Don't expect it to tango; it has a broken back".

Sid woz ere


For some reason it made me laugh when he broke two pencils...because it was so silly, and the line that follows:

"I suggest you get yourself a pen!"



"Here's your 'meatball'."

"You have to have faith for this to work on me!"

