
What were all of the computers back at the base supposed to do to help the mission? I have never understood that.


No idea. Saw some standard radars and comms stuff. Not sure if they had satellite imaging technology (that would scan and follow his mission) in 85, cause that's the only thing I can think of that would make that base unique.

I am Djour Djilios. could you spell that please? I don't think so. Try it with a "D".


Communications equipment and your primitive 1980's satellite imaging/observation technology most likely. And probably one terminal dedicated to running a countdown/mission timer in big, flashy red numerals to keep tabs of the "36 hours" that Rambo was given to complete the mission. If it was all supposed to be for Rambo's safety, I can't imagine what else the items could be for, other than to observe his progress and see if he's in trouble. Certainly not for watching football games in the middle of something important like this, right? Right?

But a lot of good those gadgets ended up doing in the end, which is precisely why Rambo blew them all away in the end. Because they DIDN'T protect him like they were supposed to do. Another lie from that bastard Murdoch.



I think we're supposed to assume he had comms gear and some other stuff with him. I don't know what was state of the art back then....
Yeah...I never understood what all those guys at the terminals were supposed to be doing when the plane or the chopper weren't flying or what all the computers were for.

Maybe all that was necessary for a satelite link then.

Of course, Rambo cuts away all his gear when he's hung up outside the plane, so we never know what he had other than what we see him preparing...and I think all we see there that's lost is the MP5 and the camera.


Computers didn't exist in 1985 
