Just what was the joke?

Can someone please clear this up for me.

After Mahoney has played his little joke on Mouser in the shower scene, all the cadets are shown in the classroom and Mahoney (talking to Mouser) says something to the effect:- "and if you don't stop that you could go blind". Can somebody please tell me what he meant by that? I have always wondered. Just what is the joke?


It's an old wives tale that masturbation causes you to grow hairs on the palms of your hands - and also that it could make you go blind.


Thanks Richie lol


You were probably told, but I don't want to check the responses right now. The joke is masturbation. If you do that, you were told as a kid you would grow hair on your palms and go blind, which is *beep* up the *beep*
