So Bad it was good

I remember seeing this turkey in a friends house in the late 1980's.The thing that stands out most in memory was those awfull leg warmers that they used to wear back then.Fashion in the 1980's is definitely best forgotten.


I rented this yesterday...I remember Encore airing this movie several years ago but I never saw the whole thing only several minutes of it...

I'm sure I watched some movies that most people didn't like but me. Unfortunately this wasn't one of them. I consider myself a fan of 80's movies, the clothing, the theme, ect., I thought I would like it but I didn't. I must admit the only thing that amused me was watching Travolta in JLC's aerobics class but only for a moment that scene made me laugh, but I like Travolta for doing it for some reason, seems like a fun and nice guy. The end where they show the actors names in the credits and they are all dressed in gym clothes "aerobicizing" as cheesy as it was, was kinda cute but that was about it.

Speaking of bad movies with Travolta, I actually LIKED Staying Alive compared to this, yes most people hated it but I thought it was amusing to some level...


This movie is LAME from begining to end, it's a insult to our intelligence.The scene where Jamie is swimiming; her mom says she always swims when she's mad.Too bad she didn't drown.Then we wouldn't have to endure anymore scenes with mediocre actress JAMIE LEE CURTIS.They got paid for this piece of crap?


The author of this post is a teen-ager. Judged upon his/her writing skills and phrasing, I'd venture to say around fourteen or fifteen years old.

Since he/she is most likely to be UNDER AGE for this site, maybe IMDB can investigate this matter and find out why he/she was able to slip through the cracks with their adolescent talent.


Everything in the 1980s, beginning around '82 or '83, is best left forgotten. This is when music and film in America really began to suck, in the large.
