MovieChat Forums > Pee-wee's Big Adventure (1985) Discussion > Delete your post Pee Wee style

Delete your post Pee Wee style

[This post was deleted after driving its motorcycle through a bilboard]

Member Since 1997




Thank God somebody gets it...

[this post was incarcerated for serial matress-ide]

Member Since 1997


[This post would probably be in the basement of the Alamo if it really had a basement]





[This post was deleted by a police officer who just wanted to take a look at the cute little outfit it has on]



[ This post has been deleted but what am I?]

"Im a loner Dottie, a rebel..."


(My post.... They Stole My Post!)

XTRO Theme:


[This post was deleted by a big dumb redneck who doesn't speak french wielding the femur of a dinosaur]



[this post was deleted by Rusty because he's ready to roll. ROLL!!!!!!!!]

I think we're just gonna have to be secretly in love with each other and leave it at that.



[this post passed out after rescuing a double fistfull of snakes from a burning pet store]

Member Since 1997


(Most likely this post was deleted because Amazing Larry had something he was obviously not willing to share with the rest of the group.) La, la, la, la!

"Is this something you can share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?"

Loves ya ya, Pee-Wee! fp

"Save me, Sabrina fair. You're the only one who can."


So, I started a thread like this one yesterday...not bothering to check if anyone else had created something similar before me. So, I'll just consolidate what we have so far...sorry!
Mine so far:

[This post was deleted because it's a loner, Dottie, a rebel]

[This post was deleted, ::slowly and scarily:: and it was the worst deletion I ever seen]

[This post was deleted ::CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP:: deep in the heart of Texas]

[This post was ALMOST deleted because it was new, and we don't take kindly to posts around here...but then it hissed at us, so we ran away]

[This post was deleted by a snake wearing a vest]

[This post ordered a tuna platter and a milkshake at a truck stop diner...but it didn't have its wallet and it couldn't wash dishes because it has no it was deleted]

[This post was deleted because it wouldn't talk about its big "but"]

[This post was deleted, but it doesn't remember being deleted. All it remembers is the Alamo ::BIG CHEERS::]

[This post was deleted after unsuccessfully trying to follow Milton Berle into Warner Brothers Studios]

[This post was deleted after accidentally knocking over a row of motorcycles]

[This post had found a nice, comfy home on one of those "Do Not Remove Under Penalty of Law" mattress tags...and then was deleted when Micky took a knife and CUT IT OFF!...he's got a bad temper]
Pee Wee Chic's

this post was NEARLY deleted by a trainriding homeless man named John who loves to eat sardines first thing in the morning - and who sang Jimmy Crack Corn too loud and for so long...that the poor post jumped off the train (near the Alamo in Texas) and deleted itself!

this post was deleted by a hot lookin' ex con named MICKEY who has such a bad temper....he took a knife and he CUT the post off - just like he did those mattress tags!

this post was deleted by a couple of rogue Cabazonian Dinosaurs who glow in the dark. the poor lil' post got stomped to death.

Police also announced today on local news...yet another innocent post was also deleted; this one by a lone ghostriding truck driver named Large Marge....the poor lil' post was riding in the truck with her when it dropped off a cliff.....witnesses told authorities it sounded like it dropped off the Empire State Building. One distraught witness said, "It was the worst accident I ever seen!" [] [] []

And this just in...more breaking news.....another innocent post - just minding its own business - was accosted and senslessly deleted by a big cable knit sweater that someone keeps KNITTING and KNITTING and KNITTING ahand KNITTING ahand KNITTING!!!!! [] []

Stay tuned for the 11:00 news when we'll have a full report on the Serial Post Deleter.
Okay, =) now we can keep going on this one...


[This post was about to be hung, stomped, tattooed, and then killed by a gang of bikers, but they decided to let a biker chick have it first...and she deleted it]

[This post was deleted ten years ago, on a night just like tonight...why, tonight's the anniversary]

Okay, I'm doing wayyyy too many of these. Sorry, but it's fun! So I'll hold off for a while.


LMAO! Thank you BlindJester. In my opinion you can nevah have too many of these! Tooooo hysterical. This entire thread cracks me up because I adore this movie so much. Pee-weeChic's deletes are great too, as are they all. :):):)

When my nephew was visiting my sister and I wanted him to see this film. He'd seen it when he was a little younger but barely remembered any of it, with the exception of Large Marge. Now he's a little older and his question to me was: "Are there any more Pee-wee movies because I LOVVVVVE this movie!" LOL! So, needless to say both my sister and I were happy that he shares our same humor!


Finally.....[This post was deleted because I pity the foo' that don't eat Mr. T cereal!] ...........fp

Loves ya ya, Pee-wee!

"Save me, Sabrina fair. You're the only one who can."


[This post was obviously deleted because it was busy hosing Francis down.].......La, la, la, la.........fp

Loves ya ya, Pee-wee!

"Oh, really? Where are they hosing him down? "



This post was deleted by Dee Snider after a video shoot was ruined by a prop boat running into their car.
