MovieChat Forums > Out of Africa (1985) Discussion > As Much as I Love Sydney Pollack, This I...

As Much as I Love Sydney Pollack, This Is One Boring Film

I saw Out of Africa years ago and remembered being bored by it. I have been watching films I had seen when I was very young and did not like to see if I might enjoy them now, being so much wiser and older. With one or two exceptions, all the films I did not like when I was in my teens I still do not.

I am a huge Sydney Pollack fan (as well as a Streep and Redford fan), but Out of Africa is a snoozefest. Gorgeous to look at, beautifully photographed, and containing one of the best motion picture scores of all time - but it is a cold, dull experience.

Pollack should have won his Oscars for Tootsie. I also would have given him supporting actor Oscars for Husbands and Wives and Eyes Wide Shut. But this film is all style over substance, a classic example of a bloated Hollywood epic that the Academy Awards love to honor.


I agree. Gorgeous to look at and a wonderful score. The opening shot of the train is fantastic. But it is a very boring movie.

I did sixty in five minutes once...


The only Oscar I agree with it winning is Best Cinematography. Streep's accent is horrible and Robert Redford's character is as exciting as a snail. In fact, watching a snail in a fish tank is more interesting than this lifeless film.


Agreed... good photography, idea isn't bad, but it is so boring. I was shocked how boring it was when it was so hyped


That's why we have boards, to discuss differing opinions. I found "Out of Africa" (Sorry, I'm too lazy to use italics--too much other stuff to do)...enchanting and wonderful, especially since Karen herself actually did WAY more stuff than this! She was a true pioneer and free spirit.

As for "Eyes Wide Shut"...Nicole and Tom going to a dress-up party for pervs? *Yawwwn*! Like THAT didn't already get recycled 100 times during the 60's and 70's! Cripes...they never heard of the Sexual Revolution. I didn't fall asleep during it but came damned close. Anyway--orgies are never as cool as you think they're going to be.

Child of the 60's...not impressed!

Nothing is what it seems. Everything is a test. Rule #1: Don't...get...caught.


I totally agree. The cinematography is stunning, and John Barry's score is wonderful, but the story itself is incredibly boring. None of the characters is interesting or engaging, and Karen Blixen comes off more as a victim than a heroine. It says a lot when the best scenes in the movie don't include any acting or dialogue, just outstanding visuals and sweeping music. They could have made for an excellent documentary.


Boring films very often win Best Picture, nothing new. We're supposed to appreciate the filmaking excellence, and overlook the boring aspect


Pollack should have won his Oscars for Tootsie.


I can go along with you on TOOTSIE-82' and when I first viewed OUT OF AFRICA in early 86'—was 19—I thought it was the most over acclaimed and boring films I had ever seen. I had seen A PASSAGE TO INDIA-84', a couple of years before and was enraptured by that and thought it might have a similar effect.

It wasn't until the early 90's, when I made a decision to view OOA again and ended up being stunned by it's elegance, beauty, nuance and quality. I was doobied up at the time too, so that may have It is now a part of my top 10 dramatic films and while it can be perceived as slow, I don't find it boring anymore. I also rate it as one of Streep's better\best performances and one that tends to get neglected. The devil is in the details.


Gimme some doobies and I will give it another try.


Gimme some doobies and I will give it another try.

Sorry, can't help ya out there! 😏 I can at least now, appreciate it with a clear and open mind. If you do attempt to view again, I would be keen to hear your comments and perceptions.




I like Out of Africa and gave it 7/10.
The Color Purple is one of the Best movies ever 10/10.

The Color Purple should have won 4 Oscars;
Best Picture
Best Actress: Whoopi Goldberg
Directing: Steven Spielberg
Original Song

Out of Africa deserved 7 Oscars;
Adapted Screenplay
Supporting Actor: Klaus Brandauer
Original Score
Production Design
Costume Design
Sound Mixing
