NO boards for this film :-O

cant believe i got here and the only message was form last year and had no replies!!!!!!!!
its nearly xmas
this is sooooo xmassy!
ne 1 watch it every year?


I DO!!!! I loooove this movie. And not because its exceptionally special, i suppose, but just because for me it is just so tied to Christmas. Every year, I see it on TV. In fact, I dont feel it would be TRULY christmas if i didnt watch it! I love this movie because it is a part of my childhood. You know, no matter how many times I watch it, I seem to forget what happens, and each time, I get sad, surprised and happy. This is a really good Christmas movie. It has some darkness in it, a la "Its a Wonderful life" but then it really has the christmas spirit, its really uplifting.


This is one of the beautiful Christmas movies, one of Disney's very best. This truly bears the essence of the Christmas spirit.

Ethan: You can dream about things and they might not turn out, but you have to at least try.


This is my absolute all-time favorite Christmas movie. My holiday season is not complete unless I watch it at least once. In fact, my boyfriend and I sat down and watched it last night (he'd never seen it) and he loved it too, even shed a few tears, of jou and sadness both. It was wonderful.

I'm certainly happy that others share in the love and experience of this magical film with me.

Happy holidays!


My FRIENDS are important to me. I miss them already.


During my first Christmas in Germany, I had another American colleague in whose family it was tradition to watch THIS movie EVERY year. You wouldn't believe how happy he was when he found a German-dubbed VHS of this movie at a rental shop in Solingen! Of course, for the sake of his family's tradition, it ended up being one of the movies we watched during the district Christmas dinner.

Anyway, why can't I find (the non-UK version of) this movie at


you could probably get it on dvd to play in germany?

i don't think i realised that it was disney, it is very very christmassy, i don't like the idea in disney's 'the santa clause' of the elves being children and the north pole being kinda high tech so im glad they did this too.
