Trite Propaganda

I can't believe there are no critics of this movie here. Do they actually want us to think kids feel all guilty for lying to their parents? Of course, the parents lie to the kid to trick her into the school but that isn't commented on. The staff of the school were a hoot. The headmaster looked like Howdy Doody. And the boyfriend is named "Ricky" and looks just like Ricky Kasso, whose murder of another student was all over the news at the time. Like the Ricky in Not My Kid, Ricky Kasso lived in a port town and was always around boats. Also, like RIcky Kasso, this Ricky wore heavy metal t-shirts. The coincidences are just too many to have been accidental.

Well, I'm LMAO!

Your soul and your body are your own, and yours to do with as you wish.


I've only seen a short clip on youtube, but yeah, this movie seems unrealistic. All the stuff Susan did (that's the part I saw, where she's talking about all the drugs she did and breaking into a house to finance her abortion, etc), well, it probably happens, but it's just so rare I can't believe that they made a movie about it. I assume they're trying to tell us it's really common, and if you're not extra super duper vigilant, it WILL happen to your kid?

The whole time I was watching it, I was thinking about reefer madness.


trite propaganda, but hilarious


If it were "trite," wouldn't it be ineffective as "propaganda"? This movie may well be propaganda, but it's hardly trite. It's odd that this seems to be more of a pitch for a strange kind of group therapy than for kids to stay off the hard stuff. Great performances though, especially by George Segal and Stockard Channing. 6/10 stars.
