This movie was incredible

Incredibly bad that is. So bad my ass hurt. I felt like a newbee on that prison
show OZ, used and abused. I couldn't watch it straight I had to puase & play in
5min intervals. Oh and their code names! I can feel my heart stopping just
thinking about them. CURSE YOU LOLLYPOP!!!!!!

Do you know what? In a sick way I kinda liked it.

Sick, Huh?




This movie was co-produced by Vijay Amritraj, who plays (poorly) a key role in the film as well. Amritraj made his film debut in the James Bond film OCTOPUSSY two years before this, and it's very likely he was instrumental in giving this film a Bond-ian lift, including the snappy Sheena Easton-ish theme song. All things considered, the song DOES fit the light tone of the movie, even if the movie has its share of awkward moments. So glad BCI finallly released this in widescreen and uncut.

The movie had the potential to be so much better, but as it stands, it's got some fun moments and looks fantastic. The biggest flaw is easily the script, which feels very episodic, and too many amateur performers who can't bind it all together. The singer of that Bond-esque theme, by the way, was a Filipino chart-topper named Ivy Violan. if you search her at YouTube, you'll see some of her stuff. Quite a set of pipes, though she kinda blows them on too much religious pap these days! ;)


I thought this film was a total campy riot. The opening credits sequence alone is absolutely priceless. I also really dug the scene with Sho Kosugi fighting four dwarfs sporting sunglasses and really bad teeth.

Look nonchalant and keep on smiling.


Oh the midgets… you know what happened, Sho got a bit out of hand and killed a few to many of them, like 9. All of the sudden the movie was titled 9 deaths of the ninja, when really it was supposed to be 9 deaths caused by the ninja. I love this movie, I hate it…. I really hate it, but I love it. Its like a Bond film with no bond and a ninja killing people for little to no reason. The lesbian commando is worth it alone. Watch out Grace Jones!
