Hope Lange question

I know that she died in 2003 but have you ever seen an interview with Mrs Lange where she talks about ANOES 2?

In the documentary Never sleep again, Clu Gulager is interviewed. But no vintage interview with Hope Lange.


I've searched and just couldn't find any videos or print interviews. Mark Patton (Jesse in the film) said they had a good time making the film and that Hope might have been a little tipsy during shooting but I can't find anything from Hope herself.


Yes. That's all it was said about her. He said they came back from lunch and they were both drunk. (-:

I don't know if she was pleased by the experience.

The same with Patrcia Arquette. No interview.


I can understand about Patricia. By all accounts it was a...problematic shoot with Arquette getting far more negative attention than anyone else on the set. I believe Chuck Russell later admitted he had pushed her too far, especially for it being her first film.

As far as Lange, she probably didn't care enough about the film to do anything other than act let alone any real promotion. The series hadn't become the iconic franchise yet and her role being in horror was still considered less than headline making casting news. She's good in the film and had she lived I'm sure she would be on the convention circuit but at that time and place I bet all she cared about was the paycheck and the free mini-bar in her trailer.


I found that:



Was that a crazy experience?

PA: It was really a hard shoot. The director didn’t like you to try anything. Later, he apologized, after the movie. He said, “I have to say, I would yell at you when you’d do something, and then I’d end up using it in the cut. I’m sorry about that.” We had this really mean DP, really horribly mean. It was kind of a trial by fire.
