Is the gay thing being used to deflect from this movies foibles?

Seems like for 20 years after this movie was released, the folks at New Line as well as the cast themselves either said nothing about the supposed 'gay' themes of this movie...or if they did, they denied/played it down, almost as if they didn't know what anyone was talking about when it was brought up. Now everyone involved is seemingly going along with these alleged gay themes present, giving them credence. Do you think that they're doing this to deflect from it being an otherwise lousy movie? Like they're using the gay thing to try as an attempt to not have to talk - again - about the glitches and flaws this movie has?



I never did as a kid get the Gay overtones.

She's a real carpenter's dream "Flat as a board and needs a screw"


Where was the gay acknowledgement by the producers back in 1985/86 when it was in theaters and being promoted by the studio? I don't recall anyone mentioning anything about this movie being gay for at least the first ten or fifteen years. I do feel like they're now playing up the gayness of the movie to get out talking about more relevant things about it, like why there's zero continuity to the movie and how it's really inferior to the original. It's a side conversation that's become the whole conversation. Convenient for them!



How can people have the heads so far up their own asses? This movie was so obviously filled with gay undertones that were noticeable even back then. They put it in the film in a sort of discreet way, making sure there was the female love interest and such to hide behind if they were accused of making a gay film. How anyone could watch this film and NOT notice the gay undertones is the real question here. What is it? You folks like the Nightmare series and just can't stand that it has an entry that leans to the gay side of things? Did you really watch the coach at a gay club play S&M in the showers with Jesse and not notice that it was pretty gay?  Really, there is no need to deflect from the fact that the movie isn't that great. Times have changed and talking about the gay angle is no longer taboo. Stop acting like it's some big conspiracy when really it is just you who couldn't see what was RIGHT THERE in your face.

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


I didn't get it until I saw I think Never Sleep Again and they talked about it. I thought they were joking. I had seen this repeatedly since my teens.
