Spoiler: Question about the Pool Party

Was it all a dream? How would this be explained to local authorities? Lets see, there were two or three people scalded in a swimming pool. One guy's face got slashed, another guy got gutted, one girl was burned to death trying to climb over a fence and feel into a furnace of flames, plus, there was this hole in the cement where Freddie jumped out and burned section of the rose garden. I know this is just a film but how would this be explained to the police. What makes me wonder if this is a dream or not is because LIsa's best friend (Angela?) said "great party". Would someone say this after so many people were slaughtered? If so I don't think I would continue being friends due to the crass sense of humour.


I took it as not a dream, at least not for the people at the party. It all really happened, with Jesse turned into Freddy and killing people, and with Freddy's dream powers somehow manifesting into the real world, like when the bird exploded.

The ending scene I assumed was a dream, hence why all was well and everyone was happy and talking about the party.

Pool scene = real
Final bus scene = dream

Check out the pictures of Lisa's house I posted in my link. The director sent them to the website I linked, and it looks almost exactly as it did in 85', despite the pool being redone and re-positioned! Can't find any pictures of the inside of the house though, or any great shots from the front, as a large tree is in the way.


I know this is just a film but how do you think this would be explained to the cops. ALso, do you suppose the spared teens died later on between part two and three? I also wonder if Lisa and her family continued to live there after that ordeal and if they actually found the remains of those who were killed.


Who knows. The cops would probably assume the teens were high on something, and after failing to pin the murders on someone, they'd likely give up due to lack of evidence.

I'd imagine Lisa and her family probably moved Lol.

It would be fun to see Mark Patton and Kim Meyers film some at the house for the possible product Mark is trying to raise money for!


You could ask the same thing about all the movies. Like how do you explain a teenage kid turning into 40 gallons of blood and getting all over the ceiling and walls? Also, how exactly can you explain Rod dragging Tina's body all over the high ceiling despite the fact there's absolutely no furniture in the room that could reach the ceiling?

Heck the third one has a girl who was shoved into a TV mounted on a high wall with no piece of furniture high enough to reach it in sight. How do the police explain that?

Green Goblin is great! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1L4ZuaVvaw
