Lisa's house! Recent aerial pictures inside!

Courtesy of the site movielocationsandmore and director Jack Sholder:

These are the best pics out there, as there aren't any of the inside, and the front of the house is partially blocked by a large tree. Still, very cool to finally see some recent pictures of a great horror scene! I see the pool was changed in terms of direction, and is now horizontal to the house, instead of vertical as it was during filming. Maybe they rebuilt it to accommodate the tennis court? Odd how some of the swimming shots in the movie show the pool for how it used to look, yet some of the reaction shots of the teens are shot from a different angle which makes the geography not match. It's like the director filmed most of the reaction shots from the side of the pool, even though they obviously aren't looking at where the house is.

It would be fun to see the Scream Queen Nightmare 2 documentary film a segment there.




Fantastic (and incredibly thorough) work! This is my personal favourite of the films, and all those pictures were an absolute pleasure to look at. I really Hope Horror Hounds do an episode on this part one day.

Incidentally, today Mark Patton's documentary "Scream Queen: My Nightmare On Elm Street" reached it's funding goal on Kickstarter. Great news and so well deserved for such a nice guy.


Thanks! Yeah, the site owner Robert did a great job finding the original locations, and it was cool to see Jack Sholder providing the pics of Lisa's house!

Good news about the funding coming through! Hope Mark is able to do a good job, and to get some cameos from the cast, especially Robert.





I find human contact repulsive --Larry David


Better pics here at this site I happened upon tonight! Just what I was hoping to see, though I'd love a front shot of the house as well. It's definitely changed a bit, but not too much, other than the location of the pool being switched.

Can't believe the owner of the house let the guy go inside and take pics! Pretty trusting in today's time.
