Did anybody else want Jesse and Grady to get it on??

I mean it would've been so hot! Hahaha. Come on, Mark Patton & Robert Rusler were a couple of hotties back then. After the failed pool house scene between him and Lisa, I was like "go to your man Jesse!" After all those homo-erotic subtexts throughout the movie, it'd be a nice little pay off ha. Jesse definitely would have been the bottom :P
Sorry, I had to say.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt becomes the next Batman


So the outrageously kinky shower room whipping death of Jesse's predatory gym teacher didn't do it for ya?
As I've noted in another post, coach Schneider's nude bondage death is a twist on naked women being victimized in Horror cinema, I find it difficult to believe that both new Line Cinema and its founder Robert Shaye DIDN'T pick up on the gay themes.


Hahaha I know right, it almost did it for me! Oh and believe me, I feel good ol' Bobbi Shaye did pick up on the gay themes and decided to just say "screw it" and play the S&M bartender as a fantasy :P

Joseph Gordon-Levitt becomes the next Batman


Speaking of coach Schneider's shower death, I wonder if Freddy was the one doing the towel snapping or if it was Jesse,as he clearly enjoyed what was unfolding before him.


Well wasn't Freddy possessing the cutie's body? I thought it was Jesse getting a sexual type of revenge lol. But, either way, A LOT of the movie just doesn't make any sense and broke the "rules" set in part 1. Thank god Dream Warriors was a much better script and truly the best of all the sequels.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt becomes the next Batman


Not everyone is gay! This thread is just disgusting!


Grow up. You're the one who keeps reading and posting in the gay threads. In denial much? Seriously, I'm blocking you so I don't have to read any more of your homophobic posts. If you don't like it, just don't read the gay threads.

Bimbo Boy


Welcome to the internet, freedom of speech is not being a bigot or "homophobic". This was a 80s horror movie, not a cumming out movie. Block the world.


sorry dude, everyone IS gay-and youre next!!! (gay Freddy laugh) hahahahaaaaaaa!!!



I never saw it that way. Jesse and Grady, to me, was the first bromance I've ever seen on screen. They were true friends that had each other's back. I really enjoy that aspect of the film.

Now, to make sure it doesn't feel like I'm raining on anyone's parade, I am a gay male. And Freddy's Revenge is my favorite of the series. I thoroughly enjoy Patton's performance, his dancing, his bare ass! But as a flamboyant kid, I just barely saw the gay sub-text. Everything Freddy does in this film seems legit to me.

Schnieder was into S&M so of course his death would involve something terrifyingly ironic. He loves getting whipped so Freddy will give him a whipping he never forgets. He's a coach so the wet-towel thing works.

Freddy breaking the rules isn't so much about Freddy entering our world but Freddy working through a possessed Jesse and getting to carry out the killings he loves. How is Jesse being possessed any different from the scenario in Freddy vs Jason. It's literally the same thing.

I love A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge but to me the gay subtext never rises above subtext.

Lastly, Mark Patton has the sexiest ass of the 80s!


When I was just a little boy, I remember watching this movie and thinking something was "special/weird" about it. I remember just having the biggest crush on the two young men on the screen. But yeah I do see your point for sure.

I still enjoy the movie, I just think Part 3 was far superior. And don't get me started on the "crush" I had on Joey from that said film lol. Hey! I was just a young gay thing ;)

Joseph Gordon-Levitt becomes the next Batman


It would have been hot if Jesse and Grady screwed eachother passionately in the locker room under the running water of all those showers after gym class.


I remember watching this movie as a little kid and thinking it was the most boring of the series because Freddy isn't in it enough. I like it now, though. It is one of the more underrated entries in the series.

I've been waiting for you, Ben.


I sure did! They're both hot!



Film commentators often remark on the film's perceived homoerotic theme. The argument is that a subtext exists about Jesse's alleged repressed homosexuality (never clarified in the movie), with the major examples pointed to being the encounter he has with his gym teacher in a homosexual S&M leather bar, and his fleeing to a male friend's house after an aborted attempt of making out at his girlfriend's pool party.

In a February 2010 interview with Attitude magazine, Robert Englund commented on this when asked whether he was aware about the camp, gay appeal of the series. He replied: "... the second Nightmare on Elm Street is obviously intended as a bisexual themed film. It was early '80s, pre-AIDS paranoia. Jesse's wrestling with whether to come out or not and his own sexual desires was manifested by Freddy. His friend is the object of his affection. That's all there in that film. We did it subtly but the casting of Mark Patton was intentional too, because Mark was out and had done Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean."

In an article written by Brent Hartinger for After Elton, it is stated that a "frequent debate in gay pop culture circles is this: Just how 'gay' was 1985's A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (the first Elm Street sequel)? The imagery in the movie makes it seem unmistakably gay — but the filmmakers have all along denied that that was their intention." During his interview segment for the documentary Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy, screenwriter David Chaskin admitted that the homosexual themes were intentionally written into the script. The rest of the cast and crew stated that they were unaware of any such themes at the time they made the film, but that a series of creative decisions on the part of director Jack Sholder unintentionally brought Chaskin's themes to the forefront. In his interview, Sholder stated, "I simply didn't have the self-awareness to realize that any of this might be interpreted as gay", while "now-out actor" Mark Patton stated, "I don't think that [the character] Jesse was originally written as a gay character. I think it's something that happened along the line by serendipity."


Jesse I can see, but is it me, or does Grady not seem gay? So had this movie embraced Jesse as a homosexual character instead of through subtext, wouldn't it still feel forced on behalf of Robert Rusler's character?



I´m a bi girl and i find this hot.


Oh goodddd yes I'm getting sexy just thing about Grady shoving his hot hard dick down jesses throat forcefully, right before Jesse picks him up and slams him on his hot white, thick meat, *beep* Grady's tight little warm, rectum and Cumming deep in his guts mmmmmm


I laughed too hard when I read this. Hahahaha


Lmao same can't believe I wrote that. XD


Lmao same can't believe I wrote that. XD


Yeah this would have been better as a gay porn slasher for sure
