Good 80's teen horror movie but not a good NOES.

No further comment.


I basically agree. ANOES2 is not unlike most "80s teen" movies of its time. It followed what was a very standard formula of the time:

a sort of "soft," lanky, blond surfer-looking guy, who had a vulnerable streak (Jesse)...his more cocky and abrasive brunette friend, enemy or frenemy (Grady)...his glowing, congenial, Miss Teen USA type girlfriend (Lisa)...and her shallow tagalong friend (Keri.) Together they get into trouble that they have to figure a way out of, with sexual overtones compounding everything. By the end of the movie they've come of age and are now more worldly than they were at the beginning.

There, I probably just described half of the "teen movies" of 1985.

30 years later, people want to over-analyze this thing and assign all sorts of extra meaning to it when in reality, it's not that deep. Freddy's Revenge, in a lot of ways, is a very "cliche" movie of its time.


It had some really good stuff in it. The bus scene at the beginning was a great. Unfortunately, just about nothing Freddy does takes place is in the dream world which is kind of what NOES is supposed to be all about. I look at 1, 3-5 as the main story and 2 as a sort of sidequel.


I always felt Kerry reminded of of Ali's friend in Karate Kid


Well it did have the Highschool 80's cheesy feel, but yet it was still a dark moody scary NOES film, the soundtrack was amazing, and the kills.. I would rate this as the second best NOES film aside from pt 1... If you wanna talk about teen movies pt3, and 4, take it step beyond total 90210 feel, but that's what is a part of NOES.
This is a great dark film, they just got brighter each year after..


I agree. The concept would've made an excellent psychological horror movie. It doesn't work as a slasher horror movie, let alone as the sequel to one.


I agree with the OP

This movie does have some interesting things, still creepy and probably the scariest ending in the series but it just doesn't fit in with NOES series.
