Underrated film

I've al favoured this film as up there. Where I think the ranking for me goes 1,3,2,7,4,5,6, one thing I think whether or not you loved liked or hated this, it must be acknowledged that Mark Patton's performance was incredible. Anyone else feel that way.


It was the last time the A Nightmare on Elm Street was a straight up horror movie. After this movie. Comedy was introduced to the sequels. Every time Freddy would kill someone. Freddy always had to make a joke about it.


I've always liked it and agree it's very underrated.



I actually think it's the best in the series. It defiantly stands out, and Freddy is at his best in this one.


I certainly agree their Freddy is at his darkest in this entry it's a little better than 3 in my books.


The problem with this one is it doesn't make sense. People aren't even dreaming and they're seeing Freddy


I can't believe this one has a lower average rating than ANOES 4. I thought this one was vastly superior.


agree that party scene, smh. but it still kept that element of horror which i love and didn't see in the others



I have to agree my favorite Nightmare on Elm street movies are as follows in my favorite order. 1,2,dream warriors, A new Nightmare. I found those to be really full of horror and really cool kill scenes and good story, as opposed to the corny kill scenes in dream master...

I find that film to be awful.... so awful I cant even watch it again. Pizza... killing.... no thanks!!!

I dont see how anyone could hate on this one it actually pulled off being scary and thrilling I can see why people really didnt go for it though because it lacked Nancy.. but I didnt really care for her in every film I liked her but I didnt think she was the soul of the show that was freddy you didnt need nancy for a good freddy.

This film is 8-10 stars in my book mainly due to the fact we dont even get good films like this anymore! Its a masterpiece !

Horror died I cant stand the saw movies or paranormal there is nothing scary or horrifying about those films they just seem really tacky and gorey .... kinda like dream master... I am for one happy this sequel came to be, it really was different and really entertaining!

