This movie sucked

I have no idea how Freddy's powers work in this movie. Apparently sleep and dreaming is not required, and the kill count in this film is criminally low. It's more fun to watch it and play "spot the gay stuff" than it is to just watch the movie.


It has good stuff. The novel for the movie changed some of the scenes arounded, extended a few and omitted Kerri for two scenes. It worked.


Yeah it's just terrible. Almost nothing about it works in a serious/real way. The only redeeming parts, as you said, are the homosexual undertones - which are almost overtones in some spots. Literally everything else was a mess, which makes sense since it was less than one year between the release of the 1st movie and this one. This basically isn't even a NoeS entry since they changed so much.


He was using Jesses body to come into the world, he only needed Jesse to sleep

Did you not notice this you *beep* dunce?


Freddy toying with a gay kid is everything the Nightmare on Elm Street Series should be


Kill count was high

Total Count: 10

Sleepwalking - 1
Freddy kills Coach Schneider

Awake - 1
Freddy kills Grady

Pool Party - 7
Freddy slices a guy
Two kids fall into boiling pool
Kid is trampled in chaos
Freddy disembowels teenager
Freddy stabs a guy
Freddy slashes a guy

Factory - 1
Freddy burns up


I guess some people need every detail spelled out during a film to understand it.....
Freddy was possessing the guy and only needed him to fall asleep to enter the real world..

It was a really well done plot. It actually did horror right instead of putting corny kill scenes and silly one liners from freddy..... like the sequels after dream warriors. Freddy 2 is by far one of the best!

Re watch it.... I didnt really like it the first time. Same with No country for Old Men I couldnt stand that movie the first time I watched it.. second time however I actually quite enjoyed it and would watch it again.

Kill count was insanely high in this one... actually count every "body" that drops to the floor.

*Let the bodies hit the floor comes on* Yeaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!! *freddy comes out with disturbed rocking with his claws playing the electric guitar!* " You are all my Favorite Children! Hahahaha!"
