Jesse's dad's explanation of the bird incident was so ridiculous

A cherry-bomb? 😂😂😁 First, there was absolutely no sign of any sort of explosive or firecracker anywhere. Second, how in the hell is Jesse going to put a firecracker, tie it to the bird inside a birdcage, light it while the cage is covered and closed? A cherry-bomb would have weighed the little bird down so much, it wouldn't have been able to fly! 😀


I know that scene and similar scenes in the franchise are meant to show how clueless/absent parents are, which indirectly leads to their deaths. However, like you said, that explanation is ridiculous. Why is he in such denial that something supernatural is going on? It's not like he was one of the parents that killed FREDDY.


Jesse's Dad was a professional A hole. He hated everyone but loved himself; like most people do today.


Not to long would the fuse has to be in order to make the bird explode? This whole thing lasted for a good minute and even then a cherry bomb would have made the bird go nuts while sliding around the floor in the most unthreatening manner ever.

I'm kinda surprised that given that the bird went after its mate, went nuts, attacked, and then exploded that they didn't write it off as rabies and spontaenous combustion. That makes more sense even if it's just as unlikely.

