As a kid, I didn't realise how gay this movie was.

I watched this movie for the first time in years last night on Netflix. I had no idea how gay this movie was. The only good part of it was Kim Myers character.


Oh it's super gay. They talk about it on the Nightmare on Elm Street documentary. In the words of Ricky Bobby, "the room's spinning...on account of all the gayness"


A lot of stuff in the 80s was like that...watching old he man episodes w my son I'm like "wow this is gayer than in remember"


You know I'll admit I didn't get this until I heard it on I think Never Sleep Again. Lol At first I was like "No!!! They are crazy!" But as I watched this movie again I got it.
I was stunned I'd never seen it before. Since I was teen I've been obsessed with these movies and seen them repeatedly.


Not only did I watch it as a kid, but I watched it a few years ago - had no idea. Until now, watching the the documentary…wow. Actually makes a terrible movie more interesting.


I wish we still could say things are gay or faggy without it meaning what it means now. I always feel bad when I slip out with it. But yes the 80's were very gay.

I find human contact repulsive --Larry David


Have you seen guys these days, with their lotions, panty jeans, T-shirts that pass for dresses?


not as gay as your father's stinkbox


Here's a great review of the gayness:

"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you."
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die."
