Why was Grady not at the pool party?

Here's this awesome high school party where Grady would obviously be drinking and banging away, but instead he's all tucked in for an early night. Huh? Big exams in the morning? The writers obviously needed him to be alone with Mark so he'd have a scary death, but bad plotting doing it on this night. Should have made it a random school night

(Yes, I actually stopped my day to write about this).


He pushed his grandma down a flight of stairs. Seriously.

The *beep* has got to go. Go! The *beep* gots to go! -James Franco


LMAO! I remember when Grady said that! This movie is so off the hook and hilarious!


You pretty much answered your own question.


I get the feeling "pushing his grandmother down a flight of stairs" was a wise ass comment and he really just didnt want to go because he wanted to listen to Limahl all night and stare at his poster



Word Kerry was all his and he wasnt even interested so she had to Floozying around at the pool party for lack of a better term that would perhaps see this post deleted


1. Hates Coors with a passion

2. Strict anti-gun positions with regards to glass cabinets

3. Tiki torches do not mix with his hair product

4. Can't swim

5. Grounded thanks to that fight at school

6. Early night so the next day he can be the first A.C. Slater

7. He's actually really sick, unlike his older brother, Ferris.


I asked myself the same question, but then I remembered...

It is established during the cafeteria scene... they ask Grady if he's going to the party, and (while his mouth is full) he says he can't because he is grounded. They ask him why, and he says he pushed his grandmother down the stairs.


Classic Grady, I wonder if Brady from Halloween 4 was inspired by him. They sorta look alike
