Did anyone else notice the swastika?

I saw this movie when I was 13 and it was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever seen. Immediately after watching it, I sat down at my computer, copied the movie from the disc, and made a little video of the dumbest parts of the movie--one of these being the scene where the coach dies. While I was editing that scene, I noticed that when he's lying on the floor in his office and the jumprope flies off the desk toward him, there's a swastika on the wall in the background.

Pic here: https://40.media.tumblr.com/1cb25214d06c61877f6aa870e23f1571/tumblr_nrt4dbA0qk1qah062o1_400.jpg


I tend to think that might be an electric fan. Then again, a lot of PE teachers I had were thick as sh*t but pricks like NAZIs. So I don't know.


Damn. I imagine you're a white guy and enjoy finding that kind of crap in films!


Your reply makes no sense. Get it together.


It makes sense. Don't be pissed like a little girl having to face the facts. Let me guess your favorite movie is American history X.



Wrong on all counts :)



What gay dude has a swastika hanging in their PE office?

One man's waste is another man's... soap.


A guy in deep, deep denial.

You see outspokenly anti gay preachers and politicians who are exposed as being gay, so I don't think it's that hard to believe.

-I was born in a crossfire hurricane.


Never noticed that before OP!

jal2358 sounds like a racist to me
