This movie is aerial mess that doesn't make much sense and tries to deflect with a bunch of shadows & murk. It has a virtually nonexistent plot and the poorest execution of all the movies in the series. They were lucky to get Englund back for this crap!


It kinda does, doesn't it? Oh well. They were still green and obviously didn't know what they were doing, and sadly that was reflective on screen. Sometimes "strike while the iron is hot" produces dastard results, and this was an example of that. Let's just be grateful that part 3 made up for the mess that was part 2 as best it could.


I concur that this movie is abysmally bad. It barely even has a story and is just a coalition of random scenes strung together and called a movie.

It has a weak connection to the first movie and on a petty note, Jesse's bedroom looks nothing like Nancy's.

Jesse's dad was thoroughly obnoxious throughout the whole movie.

Freddy's motivation is aimless & poorly defined here. He's mostly bark with very little bark and is at his all time weakest compared to the other movies. He couldn't really do anything for himself, other than spook, bully & manipulate Jesse into doing his bidding and when Jesse wouldn't cooperate 1/2 the time, that was it.

Too many things happened that don't make sense and overall it's a smörgåsbord of abstract nonsense, like exploding parakeets & mutant dogs. WTF?!

Freddy's "death" at the end was easily the worst of the series. The girl says "I love you" and that's it for him. Really???

Worst of all is that this movie has no "message" or satisfying conclusion.

The ONE thing I like about the movie is the opening sequence of Freddy driving the bus. I'll give credit where its due and say that THAT scene is easily in the top 5 most iconic moments of the entire ANOES series. I also give the movie credit for its tension. Despite being such a knotted mess of poppycock, somehow they manage to keep the atmosphere "tense" in a way that helps things. But that's about it.

Overall Freddy's Revenge is the epitome of a "bad sequel" cliche and should be shown to aspiring film makers and studio heads as a warning of what NOT to do when trying to follow up a hit movie.


100% agreed. You summed it up perfectly. This movie is so inconsistent that it's literally all over the place with potholes big enough to swim in.



Boy do I feel burned.

Revenge still sucks ass and is one of the worse sequels EVER. Deal.



No, Revenge is bad to those who know what a bad movie is. "No intellect," LOL...please. With all the obvious flaws and plotholes in FR, only someone with a lack of intellect would seriously convince themselves that this clunker is at all good.



'aerial mess'? Lay off your spellcheck, it makes you look stupid.

"It's better not to know so much about what things mean." David Lynch


Actually in the context to which the OP uses it, 'aerial mess' makes total sense. The atmosphere, the way the scenes were produced and overall tone of this movie were haphazard as hell. Next time check yourself before challenging someone else's wordplay, you just made yourself look stupid trying to call him/her out.


I think if you ignore that this is a sequel and take it in as a stand alone film, it's much easier to digest. It's when you try to make it fit in with the rest of the movies that it comes off as weird, out of step and sort of the red headed step child.

Freddy's Revenge is basically the "Khloe Kardashian" of the ANOES series.

Coming in September!


I think if you ignore that this is a sequel and take it in as a stand alone film, it's much easier to digest.
Since this movie is part of the series and has the distinction of being the very first sequel, I simply can't do that. All eyes were on this movie after the success of the first, and it failed.


Agreed! This crappy movie made next to no sense and had no theme or story continuity. It is like a run on sentence, with all sorts of spelling and structural flubs, that is badly in need of proofreading. A real decline from the brilliance of the original by Wes Craven and upstaged terribly by the much better made part 3. Nothing was developed to completion. Everything about it screams "first draft." An embarrassment. If not for the awesome Robert Englund doing the best he could with this rubbish, it wouldn't have ANY redeeming qualities.


Well this is just one out of a series of bad to horrible sequels.
I still prefer this one over the unscary "Dream Child" and the worst of them all IMO "Freddy's Dead". This one is at least atmospheric and dark.

Trying to find logic in this franchise though is pointless. These film's make no sense. Each sequel just finds a ridiculous reason to resurrect Freddy and each sequel has an even more ridiculous way of eliminating him (at least for that sequel). I still can't figure out how Freddy was defeated in "The Dream Master" by just looking in a mirror. Yeah.. ok.




I still can't figure out how Freddy was defeated in "The Dream Master" by just looking in a mirror. Yeah.. ok.

Evil being unable to cope with its own reflection is pretty standard in the world of horror. Especially for someone as cockily malevolent as Freddy. I'm not all surprised that it was enough to destroy him.


Evil being unable to cope with its own reflection is pretty standard in the world of horror. Especially for someone as cockily malevolent as Freddy. I'm not all surprised that it was enough to destroy him.

In my opinion, Freddy's Dead had the most anticlimactic conclusion. It wasn't the worst death, per se, but they'd hyped up that this was finally it. This time, Freddy couldn't be resurrected. He's never ever coming back, this is OFFICIALLY THE END OF FREDDY!!!!!!

And then he gets stabbed, and that was it. I somehow was expecting them to find a way of destroying Freddy for good. But they didn't, they just stabbed him.

