Parisian Bistro Scene

European Vacation isn't my favorite among National Lapoon's Vacation movies, but it does contain my favorite scene among them all: The Griswolds, each wearing a nametagged beret, are seated on the patio of a Parisian bistro as Clark fumbles with his electronic dictionary.

Clark: Garckoney! Uh... new voulons commander à tâche journée, please.

Waiter: Ah, visiblement votre prof de français devait être complètement nul. Vous ne comprenez pas une broque.

Clark: Let's see... Lays infants desire the hamburger and frites.

Waiter: Quel accent remarquable. Chicago? Peut-être Cleveland.

Clark: Coca-Cola for lays infants.

Waiter: Deux champagnes américains.

Clark: Yeah, and... oh! We want your mayor vin.

Waiter: Je vais vous apporter de l’eau de vaisselle. Vous ne sentirez pas la différence.

Clark: And, oh let's see: my femme would like the granday soufflé fromage, et moi, I'll have the boil with a bill — boil.

Waiter: Je parie que votre femme ait une paire de lolos.

Clark: Mmmm. Excellent!

Ellen: Good choice!

Clark: Excellentay! Et brie? Brie?

Waiter: Et votre fille a un petit cul.

Clark: Just a little brie, yeah. And uh... well, we'll get that later. Merci beaucoup!

Waiter: Va te faire foutre!

Clark: Okay, just a little bit. And that's about it!

Ellen: Where would you find a waiter like that in the United States?

Clark: Honey, if you speak the language, they're going to be very nice. Just try it!

Ellen: Oui!


Per aspera ad astra--dum spiro, spero! Ivi vi via.


Waiter: Va te faire foutre!


If I've never seen it before, it's a new release to me!



looks cool.

🎄Season's Greetings!🎁🎅🎄
