
The version seen recently was just shy of 3 hours, so still missing some footage, but the problems with this are deepset with atrocious acting by Hopkins and a terrible and inaccurate script which portrays Mussolini as a big cuddly teddy bear terribly misunderstood by all those around him! !"Downfall" brilliantly humanised Hitler but you still felt revulsion-with "Benny" you actually start to feel sorry for the guy.There`s a brief mention about atrocities in Africa but the writing is far too sympathetic to someone who led Italy to ruin, even if he did sort the trains out!Hoskins is just ok and does his best with a bad job but the poor guy playing Hitler just doesn`t convince.The Gran Sasso rescue is reasonably done ,with a good Skorzeny lookalike, although the gliders do unfortunately look like paper aeroplanes!This can be forgiven if the writing is up to standard but sadly it`s not.


The sound was dodgy too.

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


Evening Squeeth2,hope you`re well?So you were unfortunate enough to watch this too?Yes, there was a bit of an echo to proceedings wasn`t there-we`ll blame the Italians!


Doing pretty good thanks, hope you are too. When people jack-booted across marble floors it sounded like tap-dancing, I expected Mel Brooks to burst out of a cupboard.;O) I was rather taken by Musso's official wife and when I looked her up I realised why....

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


I noticed a strange echo-like sound to the movie. I liked it when Hopkins was passing the four coffins on the way to the execution along with three others. He was looking at the coffins as if he was wondering which one of them was his.


At least Mussolini cracked down on organised crime. In contrast his wartime enemy Franklin Roosevelt and his administration worked hand in hand with the mafia during the US invasion of Sicily in 1943 -


Pretty easy to explain ... FDR was trying to win a war against a tyrant. But you comment ... what does that have to do with the OP ... or even the movie? Non-sequitur foul ... back on the bench laddie!
