This is 80's comedy gold!

Brothers of famous people? Don Cheadle? A horndog judge? Where's the Beef? Androgynous cops? The cast touches numerous 80's sitcoms. How could you go wrong? There are lots of subtle one-liners that you can sneak into your daily life, smug in the knowledge that nobody else would get the joke. Besides, it's pretty clean by today's standards. My son has been a fan since he was 8.

We have watched this movie since it was out on VHS. A RV trip favorite.


So true! This movie was great when I first saw it as a kid and I still enjoy it just the same. I was happy to see the dvd release!


We taped it off television when I was a kid (I'm 25 now), and my siblings and I loved it. I was certain it would disappoint now that I'm an adult, but it's great! It's no Blazing Saddles, but it's at least as good as Police Academy. I'm very pleasantly surprised it survived my maturing (the way so many films didn't). Also: not nearly as raunchy as I remember: proof of the desensitizing we go through. Double also: either Don Cheadle looked older than he was when he was younger, or he looks very young for his age now, either way, this film was shot 20 years ago, and he was shockingly recognizable to me. It was almost as though he'd been sucked out of a modern movie to be in that scene. It was a little surreal.


If you were to ask me what my favorite comedies were around the early 90's, this would be in my top 3. I still like it, but I thought it was beyond brilliant back then.


Couldn't agree more. A cult classic. The "Office Space" of it's day.
My daughter is coming to stay with me this Friday from L.A. she's 29....
she was a tiny little one when this first came out. I laughed so hard when i first saw it at the Theater, just Tivo'd it the other night, and hubby and I watched it again, and I think I love it more every time I watch it.....John Murray should have been a MEGA star...........He was MUCH better than his brother Bill, and I LOVED BILL, don't get me wrong, but John was sooooooooo great too.
Heard that John was the guy who kept holding up Punksawtawny Phil in Groundhog Day was John Murray....have to watch THAT again too LOL

Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle


I'd like to see a modern day version/nod. A bunch of different characters getting into goofy situations, and a big finale with everyone running around, lots of car chases and stunts. Like this movie, still have it in the realm of reality.


John Murray is an extremely poor imitation of his brother. I watched the movie last night after having 0nly good, nostalgic memories towards it and that guy was aggressively annoying. Just constant one liners and "witty" comebacks that fail miserably. The situations everyone gets in are just plain stupid, and worst of all, NOT FUNNY. I was surprised that I hated it as much I did.


Forget the ratings!! This is one of the best comedy movies of all time!! I almost died laughing in some scenes. Shame this is a forgotten movie.


Yes this is definitely a classic film to watch! I loved it! I have not seen this movie in like over 20 years! The last time I saw this on was when USA Network use to show films like this along with Lifetime as well! They need to bring back USA UP ALL NIGHT to show classic 80's films on up to todays films with campiness to it as well!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


Yes this is a great classic.....started watching it again on one of my tapes....have not seen it in long time.....i loved usa up all night too.....and late night with joe bob briggs on tnt....i think that was the name....been so long ago.....what happen to great tv?


That is sweet that you started to watch it once again on one of your tapes! I am glad that you loved USA UP ALL NIGHT! The name of that show with Joe Bob Briggs is Monster Vision which was shown on TNT. That was another great show to watch as well! To be honest with you I am not sure what ever happened to great TV! I mean todays programming is awful and I do not know why people love it though! Hey come and check out my website at the bottom of the page. I have a feeling you will love it man!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!

