Explain ...

It seems I don't get the deep core of this movie ! maybe I should watch it again .. nice to watch , great actors and acting .. but I didn't understand the plot ... the point ..

can you tell me what is the main theme of the story ? ( if there is any )

why is the title " my life as a dog " ?



Ok thx for your thoughts



The core of the movie is it's a very accurate portrait of the real trials, tribulations, happiness and joys- all the experiences- of childhood. The plot is simply the story of the boy's life, in particular the experiences he has surrounding his mothers death & the repercussions around it.

The title "My life as a dog" in the most direct sense, refers to a few things in the film. First, the Russian dog launched into space just to die for the sake of research. This dog's sad fate is referenced by the boy when he compares how the bad things in his life could always be worse, as bad as like the poor space dog had it. It also can be viewed as a reference to the close bond he shares with his own dog, which he is closer than with his family it seems. And a reference to the eccentric play-acting he does were he crawls around and barks like a dog in the film.

I think the title also has a secondary meaning too, as an analogy. Considering what a tough life the boy had losing his mum, his dog, being separated from his brother, shipped off to live in several places other than his home. He had it very rough, life's kicked him around, much like dogs are kicked around. It's easy to make the analogy that he's lived the life a dog, in the figurative sense, himself.


Very good, thx. It's more like a meditative movie. Now that I recall it I can appreciate it more...
