MovieChat Forums > Mischief (1985) Discussion > Black cop and school girl

Black cop and school girl

As this was pre-civil rights, would a black guy ever be able to be a cop - and have white people say "yes sir" to him? Also there was a black girl in school and also at the prom with a white date - would this also have really happened?


The first black cop in the USA was sworn in in 1891. Two teenage boys, drunk, who just crashed a motor cycle would most definitely say "yes sir" to a cop who let them off the hook, no matter what color he is. I watched the prom scene a minute ago, the school girl and her date are both black (there's a youtube clip of the scene if you want to verify).


They didn't hurt anybody or damage property. And the only reason he let them go was because that rich jerk informed on them and the cop didn't like snitches.


But he did catch them drunk driving which is not okay.


Interracial marriage has been legal in Ohio since the 1880s.


But probably not socially accepted. Couples might get their windows broken at night or worse. Or blacks who moved into a white neighborhood would be terrorized. This happened as far north as Kentucky at least.


Don't forget Gene's boss at the gas station was black. In the deep South or parts West that would never happen but up north in Ohio it was more tolerant with its laws.


I think this movie was a lot more racially progressive than American Graffiti with its Hispanic stereotypes. I never liked that movie or most George Licas movies. Even Star Wars looks stupid when you think about it. Like Greedo letting Han Solo (known to carry a gun) fumble around under a table while holding a gun on him and threatening to kill him. Dumbest bounty hunter ever. then Lucas made it all worse by having Greedo shoot first and miss at point blank range with a laser and some bad CGI. Yeah, right. LUCAS IS A HACK.


There were black entrepreneurs and business owners even before the civil rights movement. They may have served mostly black people in black neighborhoods but it was not illegal for black people to own businesses or be a white person's boss or for white people to work at black owned companies, AFAIK.
