Good Movie

Writing can't describe this fun Movie.
Glen Close makes this Movie Great

"you're the cats pajamas"
"you're the bee's knees"

Don't shoot \o/ I'm a taxpayer



I love Glenn Close is this movie is one my favorite movie from her.


I do think the way Glenn Close portrayed "both" of her characters was great. Fun way to provide a little history as well about the "Silent Era".

Read My Lips!!!!


Today i cath this movie like on 2 am, and its really fun good movie, glen close give the exact edge to make the movie worthwile ^_^


This movie is mindless fun, and I absolutely love it. I can see why it wouldn't pass muster with the critics, but I think it's a delightful way to pass a dreary day. Glenn Close and Mandy Patinkin were terrific together, and it's always great to see Ruth Gordon.


Yes, a very good cast....I would have thought this would be rated higher than 5.2 or so....

"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five."


Now it's a 5.3! Maybe my rating of 7 helped it.


Only 5.3 rating,WTF,this is a great movie I gave it a 10,by the way,Glenn's acting was so well and she should be nominated by Academy Award for this double-features role!!


I love this movie! It's sweet, funny, and romantic. I guess it gets low ratings because it's not dark or full of plot twists, but I don't think every movie needs to be that way. Maxie always brings a smile to my face.


Same I LOVE Glenn Close and it is hilarious to see her have some fun in this role. :D
