MovieChat Forums > Lost in America (1985) Discussion > Does Albert Brooks Beef It??

Does Albert Brooks Beef It??

In this movie (Lost in America), At approximately 1 hour, 13 minutes into this film, when Brooks is at the job finding center.
Brooks is telling the guy about his past work experience. There a moment in time, when Brooks pauses between words, and you hear a fart!
The script runs something like this: “For the last eight years I was with Ross & Mac Mann , the last (((FART))) Four of those years I was creative director… “ Brooks even makes a weird face when you hear the sound!

Give it a listen!

I love this film, I grew up watching it, but for all the times I've watched it, I never caught that before... I found the DVD cheap, so I scored it. I just caught it today... I've watched & re-watched that scene to make sure it wasn't my imagination... LOL!

Trust me,
My, you're nosey, aren't you?


I just watched it and replayed that scene and YES! He most certainly does a trouser cough; I couldn't stop laughing and I don't know how they got through the scene without cracking a smile since the camera stays on them for another 15 seconds.


No, he most certainly does not do a "trouser cough". It's simply a sound he makes with his throat as he's searching for the words to explain his past employment.

I'm the saddle.


I agree with BoSoxRule. It's simply a guttural sound serving as punctuation, definitely not flatulence.


Omigod. This is _so_ what Internet discussion forums were made for. ;-)


I learned a new expression today....'trouser cough'. But I agree, he was just saying 'uh' in between sentences that almost sounded like it. Replay that scene on youtube.


I learned a new expression today....'trouser cough'.
Indeed. We all learned something today, and the Interwebs is stronger for it.

He's an easy guy to like . . . and a hard man to kill.


lol... i just saw the scene you mentioned. as much as i would like to believe that he ripped one, i think i was just a throat growl, but now every time i see this movie, i'm gonna laugh at this part.
