How can it be PG

Seriously this scared me as a kid, all i remember is the creature and it had to be pennywise himself of which i didnt know has a kid but saying this he hadnt even done that yet..

I grew up on horrors, Freddy, Jason, Michael and Pinhead with no fright in my heart but I remember viewing this as a child and Tim Curry made me go to bed terrified. That Demon look, the voice, the creepy dark tone of the film so how on earth was it aimed at kids LOL.

This is why though I love older films, they just made them so adults could watch them too like Ninja Turtles from 1990, Not unlike the crappy kid friendly junk you get now.

Anyway still really surprised the producers wouldn't think to give it a pg13 or something cause it is a bit too much for kids, imagine kids now watching this itd put them into deep shock


Cause Pg-13 had literally just been invented/was about to be invented, prior to the mid 80s it was G, PG, and R, thats it.


Um, no. PG-13 had been in place for two years when Legend was released in the U.S.

Also, scary images got the movie a PG. There's nothing in the film to warrant anything stronger.

"You liked Rashomon."
"That's not how I remember it."


I wasn't too scared of the demon as a kid. Blix however terrified me!

You just killed my girlfriend.....thats actually....kinda pissing me off....huh....
