Region 2 DVD is widescreen

For anyone out there who has waited years to see this properly, its now available in widescreen if you buy the region 2 disk.


Grrrr! Region 1 viewers always get shafted! The Changeling, Silver Brumby and now Natty Gan. It's the same thing over and over! Region 1 DVDs are put out in pan and scan and with only Dolby Digital 2.0 and sometimes no extras while viewers in England and Australia get the works.

I say we send out a petition to the DVD releasers and tell them we want the works too. Who's with me?!



Funny how a harmless Disney movie suitable for all ages can inspire a political diatribe of this magnitude.

I am in total agreement btw. You took the words right out of my mouth, down to the last detail.

And yep, it's true about the region 2 release being widescreen. I just got the dvd today.
A buck and a half well spent, i'd say.


If one can afford it (and understandably perhaps not everyone can) a good solution is to get a multiregional DVD player, one that can play PAL discs, or one might get program that lets computer DVD players play discs from all regions. I just got one of those and it's wonderful -- just watched Natty Gann and some other stuff.

And you're right about thecurrent politics.


yeah i got one of those it's great! and they are not to expenisve they cost a little bit more then your average dvd player but i picked one up for like 150 considering i didn't think that was too much to pay to get some movies in other regions


yeah, region 2 usually gets the crappy deal on dvd's, but it is nice to be able to watch natty gann on dvd in widescreen with a nice transfer, from what i've read the region 1 version sounds terrible.
