The murder happened in July but the ground was covered in snow.


I saw the documentary "Just Another Missing Kid", and that didn't seem to be the case.


Maybe so but within the movie it states the murder happened in July but at the end of the film when they do the reenactment it is winter.


It snows all the time in July in Canada


How about Colorado? I was there in June and I didn't see much snow on the ground like this movie shows. But maybe things were different 35 years ago before global warming got this bad.


That depends which part(s) of Canada. Not all of Canada is the same, weather-wise, either.


The Documentary "Just Another Missing Kid" also pointed out that the murder of Eric Wilson occurred in July of 1978. I saw the documentary, and did not see any snow on the ground when Raymond Hatch and Bertram Davis threw Eric into a ditch, after they'd bound and gagged him.


In real life, however, the murder of Eric Wilson didn't occur in the winter, however.
