Italian dub

As often in Italian movies the dubbing is so bad, I would actually prefer the Italian version probably. The Anchor Bay has it, but ... no subtitles? Why put it on then? To sell it in Italy?

Is there as subtitled Italian version out there already?

Don't know why, I know this is not a great movie, but I fell in love with it in the 80's and still love it.


What bad dubbing? This movie was shot in English with primarily American actors. It's meant to be watched in English, not Italian.


'Meant'? In Italy it was shown in Italian and that was the first way it was shown. It was probably also the only version Deodato has heard in post-production. The script was written in Italian too.



These Italian movies were shot without sound and dubbed afterwords. Yes, the actors were mostly American, so they dubbed themselves, but some of them are really crap and I thinkt the Italian version will be better. Also because the director of the movie never interfered with the American version. Usually the director only was apperent at the Italian dubbing.

Look at some documentary's of Dario Argento and see to what version he is mixing the movie. His movies are way better in Italian, evn though the main actors are not Italian.

I would l;ove to see the Italian version of this one.


Well the full Italian version is on the Anchor Bay disc. I think they had to go with live sound on Karen Black's scenes and everything else is dubbed. In Italian these movies often work better because the movies were written in Italian first. Not sure about this one, since it's essentially Wes Craven's movie that he couldn't do and Deodato stepped in. Maybe it was already written in English before Italian writers retooled it, if they had.


The Italian version "originally titled: Inferno In Dirretta" has alternate and more graphic scenes different to any English release.

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."
