What is MSTK3?!?

I'm confused because everyone keeps talking about this MSTK3 thing on message boards of really bad movies.....and I have no idea what it is!!! Can someone explain?

Thanks a bunch!

~But that's just me~


MST3K is an abbreveation for "Mystery Science Theater 3000". It was a show that lasted 10 years in which a guy and two robots are forced to watch terrible movies (such as Hobgoblins) Throughout the movie they jab it and make fun of it. It is really quite hilarous.

This signature is for the express purpose of putting in cool smileys


It's one of the greatest shows ever produced and it's MST3K as in "Mystery Science Theater 3000".Check out it's description on wikipedia.

"What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left."


MST3K is Mystery Science Theatre 3000, see http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094517/.


Oh it's hilarious, I totally reccomend it! They had a very successful 9 seasons of this show. Other films they have done (which were terrible on their own!) "Devil Doll" "Agent for H.A.R.M." "Riding with Death" and "Jack Frost" those are only a few...


10 seasons, if you count the KTMA (Minneapolis Public Access) year.


It's the greatest damn thing ever put on television! EVER!! And it must return.


I've noticed something

Everytime someone asks what MST is, they never return to find out


10 seasons. 11 counting the KTMA.


Ouch, it hurts me to even read that question!!


It has! Checkout the website Rifftrax.com!


This is a fake post.


"Look at me, I'm going to make a fake post and pretend I don't understand an obvious pop culture comment so people will respond and I will be popular! Weee!"


There is no problem between us that can't be solved by your departure


haha but u making that comment just gave him another responder...

well i'm a die hard mst3k fan, they should make shirts, posters and whatnots!! like the episode where servo had the "helping children through research and development" t-shirts made, i'd wear those!!!

Murph:Were good!
Connor:Yes we are!
-Boondock Saints


I watch a lot of craziness on TV, and believe it or not I never heard of this until one Saturday morning in 2003 when it was a rerun on Sci-Fi. "Track of the Moon Beast." I totally loved it (my buddy hated the "smartass" robots talking over the film.) I've gotten every episode I can get my hands on since then. So possibly this person didn't have any idea what it was.

He always follows the creek.


"Track of the Moon Beast," great episode. Good way to discover the series.

For me, it was "Warrior of the Lost World," back when it was still on Comedy Central. I too, was instantly hooked.


I don't remember the exact site but I have seen shirts with a picture of Crow on them featuring his popular catch phrase "You know you want me baby!"

"Were you listening to The Dude's story?"


The post might not be fake. I dont think the show ever referenced the acronym "mst3k". I've been watching the show since Mike took over (when it was on the air) and I didnt start calling Mystery Science Theater 3000 "MST3K" until a friend made me aware of the acronym a couple years ago

The only people that are against marijuanas legalization are people who havent tried it.


I remember in an old episode (I'm pretty sure it was in the Joel era) back when they still answered fan letters and one of them asked "What does the K stand for in MST3K?"

So the acronym has been used for quite some time.

When there's no more ideas in Hollywood, the remakes will walk the earth.


It is possible not to know about a show.

I hadn't heard about Mystery Science Theater 3000 until like 3 days ago, myself, when it was mentioned on some Godzilla board. I believe it never even aired here in Sweden.

"Put a warm rug in the car. It's cold outside when you have to go about naked." - The Invisible Man


You're right, I wasn't thinking about that.


Awesome. I replied to a comment you made in 2007, and got a reply back from you only ~4 hours after. Speedy Gonzales!

"Put a warm rug in the car. It's cold outside when you have to go about naked." - The Invisible Man


Hahaha wow, that was 3 years ago.. I remember making that comment but I thought it was only a few months ago. No, I don't make that comment all the time. lol


Tom Servo once commented on a badly done planet in a sci fi movie by saying: "Oh, look! its the MST3K logo!" and then Joel shushed him. So they do use it on the show once in awhile. As for those who've never seen the show, most if not all episodes of it can be viewed on you tube, and netflix now has several dozen eps watch it now. Go check it out, its hilarious.

If you like to read hot and sweet slash(M/M) romances, try dlsyaoi-polloi.com


Don't forget, it's Riftrax now.

http://www.cgonzales.net & http://www.drxcreatures.com


Who cares. This movie kicks all kinds of butt without a pale, balding mid-westerner and his bigoted puppets mucking it up.


You clearly havent seen the episode you're discussing. It would seem a LOT of people care. In fact, you seem to be in the minority of those who don't.

Sidenote: In this day and age with search engines, wikipedia, etc. are these lazy-ass questions necessary?



Coolest show ever.

You killed Captain Clown, YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN-The Joker on Batman TAS
