RUBY Question

I've read the threads explaining the original version of Ruby in Part 1 vs. the recent remake of the THHE. Unfortnantly everytime I turn the TV on it at the same part of the THHE 2 so I'm missing alot of info.

When did the Rachel realize she was Ruby? I'm guessing the survivors of THHE 1 took her with them but wasn't she disfigured like the rest of killers ?? She looked pretty normal to me in THHE 2.

Ugghhh.. I want one sequel that doesn't suck... just one.


In the original film Ruby was not deformed like she was in the remake. She was actually quite pretty. Ruby survived the film and was taken in by Bobby. She changed her name to Rachel and learned how to adapt to the world.



She wasn't deformed she just had bad teeth. Easy fix.

She wasn't a crazy cannibal. She knew right and wrong. She did help them.


Insread of wondering you should just watch the original Hills, it's a much better film than the remake. Rachel knows all along she is Ruby.

There are many sequels that don't suck.
