MovieChat Forums > Heaven Help Us (1985) Discussion > The last girl in the communion scene?

The last girl in the communion scene?

Does anyone know who the last girl was that received a wafer before Williams finally passed out? She looks really familiar, but I don't know if I've seen her in something or she just resembles someone else. She just looks so familiar. Any ideas? Thanks for the help.

If your nose runs and your feet smell, you were built upside down.


She looks like a young Hilary Swank.


She looks like the girl that played Kevin Bacon's girlfriend in that awful movie Footloose. In fact, I think that is her, Lori Singer. I love that come hither look she gives Williams when she's taking communion. They Saved the best looking girl for last.


Hilary Swank is too young and Lori Singer might be too old. I'll take a closer look. Funny scene though.


Actually, in that scene that girl does look older than the other girls kneeling at the alter. My bet is Lori Singer. Way too old of a movie to be H Swank, plus it doesn't even look like her.


THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! I was trying forever to figure out who she looked like, but that is it. Lori Singer. It was one of those things that would bug me for hours, needlessly, when I would see the movie. Again, THANKS a million!

If your nose runs and your feet smell, you were built upside down.


No problem. I saw this movie the other day for the first time in years. Great movie.....especially for those of us who had to suffer through Catholic schooling.


Oh wow I never realized it was Lori Singer. She looked great in that scene...and yes very hilarious. Williams completely lost it.



It wasn't actually Lori Singer, just someone that resembled her. But yes, Williams losing it was hilarious.

I could be wrong though, and it could be one of those rare instances where someone goes completely uncredited, even on here, but I think that girl was younger that what Lori was at the time.

The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of goose is geese. Why is the plural of moose not meese?


I'm watching the scene now. I've watched it 5 times in a row. It's not Lori Singer. Not even close.


Just did spent 5 minutes doing easy research on the web. The girl's name, which I'd listed in the credits, is KACHINA MYERS. Here's a couple of links with photos:;_ylt=AwrB8pX6w9NTPy4ADw6JzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIyYzhrbHVyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM3ODVmMTVkNDViMjgzM2RjNzQ3NmU2MzI3YTQ0NzUzZARncG9zAzQEaXQDYmluZw--?;_ylt=AwrB8pX6w9NTPy4ADQ6JzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIyNXJxazJ0BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANlMzc3YWFlYzEwMGYwOTMxMzZkZDE0ODBiZDBlYzQ2YwRncG9zAzIEaXQDYmluZw--?;_ylt=AwrB8pX6w9NTPy4ADg6JzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIyZ3B0MjI2BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM0MGQ0NDU0MWNhOWQ1OWRjNjI5ODI5MzhmMjY3OGY2NgRncG9zAzMEaXQDYmluZw--?

If for some reason the links don't work just go to Yahoo, search KACHINA MYERS, and then click on IMAGES. That's where they are.

Lori Singer or Hilary Swank...come on guys!!! It ain't that hard.


I agree that it's not Lori Singer, as the girl in the scene is younger than Lori was a at the time, but I disagree with you saying that it's not even close. I think she is practically a dead ringer for Lori.

The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of goose is geese. Why is the plural of moose not meese?


Do they still hold communion in that fashion? I converted to Catholicism, and both male and female congregants stand on the same communion lines for the wafer, sometimes with communion wine as well, sometimes not.


I think it all depends on the specific church and their traditions. When I was a kid we did it separately, but it's been well over 30 years since I have been to church. I guess I would take a little bit of time in the confessional. LOL.

The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of goose is geese. Why is the plural of moose not meese?


It may have been a matter of keeping the sexes separate at school functions. If it was a school Mass or assembly for the students, then the communicants would go to the railing by gender. Nowadays, few Catholic schools operated like that - the film was taking place in 1965, when things were still in chaos from Vatican II.


For sure. Things definitely were different 50 years ago. Plus, and I should have added this to my reply before, although we did it separately as kids, though in the same church, with the girls after the boys (patriarchal for sure, even more so, at that time), as adults there was no separation. At that point, everybody just went up at the same time. I'm speaking not from participation, but from seeing it and hearing about it from people that I know that still go to church. I'm a heathen now...what can I say? LOL?

"Well, the world needs ditch diggers, too."
