Hitler's rant

Does anybody have any idea just what Hitler was ranting when he looks up at that swastika on the window in the gas chamber?

So this is how liberty dies-with thunderous applause?


The problem is he is trying to say an actual speech that Hitler did, but since the sound in the movie is horrible and the actor can't speak in a German accent he just sounds all muffled. Oh and I bet you didn't see that Hitler twist coming. Eh...Ehhh.


There was a particular part of that "speech" that interested me. The paragraph ended with a word that sounded like "foy-gus".

BTW, I didn't see that twist coming when I first saw the film.

So this is how liberty dies-with thunderous applause?


"Hitler" is speaking of the Sudetenland, and how it is German territory. Here, grammatical errors and all:

"Das Schicksal des deutschen Volkes und der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei ist heute zusammengebracht. Und die Sudetenland... Roosevelt, Chamberlain hat mir gesagt, daß die Sudetenland ist nicht deutsch -- ist nicht deutsch?! 50,000 Deutsche, 80,000 Deutsche, 100,000 Deutsche -- die Sudetenland war deutsch, ist deutsch, und bleibt deutsch! Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg heil"


"The destiny of the German people and of the National Socialist Worker's Party have today come together. And the Sudetenland... Roosevelt, Chamberlain told me that the Sudetenland is not German. It's not German?! 50,000 Germans, 100,000 Germans, 100,000 Germans -- the Sudetenland was German, is German and remains German! Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg heil!"

I tried to listen carefully but I'm not sure which word you heard that sounded like "foy-gus."


Hey- I'm just revising appeasement and the transition of the Sudetenland for tomorrow's Chamberlain A2 exam! This actually helps! Cheers!

Bril film btw


His German pronunciation is excellent. The only thing that gives him away as a non-German speaker are certain grammatical errors he makes in the speech which even an uneducated German wouldn't make -- not to mention he completely mumbles up numerous words. Though he may have done it on purpose to sound overzealous. Still, not a bad attempt!
