Finally on dvd!!

It is about darn time that mgm starts releasing some b-movie classics again.
Just picked mine up today but haven't watched it yet, so i don't know about picture quality. The good thing is that it is in widescreen format with the only extra being the trailer. MSRP $15.99 We need to get them to release these titles as well:
1) Enter the ninja
2) ninja 3 the domination
3) Pray for death
4) The Challenge
5) No Retreat no surrender 2&3
6) Platoon Leader
7) Exterminator 2
8) King of the Kickboxers
Looking forward to these on dvd in 07 hopefully


$12.49 no Shipping Fee at Deep Discount! So far that is the cheapest I have found it. I work at Wal-mart and checked to see if for some off chance we got it today. Of course we did not but the worst part was describing it to the worker who then laughed at me. The Best Buy and Circuit City in my town also sadly did not have it in-stock.


hey darko, I just noticed something about the dvd. I have the original vhs box(oversized)and i looked at the cover of it and then the dvd cover. Someone flipped the picture on the front of the dvd. ( as in reverse negative) Just wondering if anyone else out there has realizedd this or not.


I haven't seen the VHS Box in many a moons. So hes kicking with his other foot on it? Same picture just reversed ? I did a quick net search and could not find on pic of the original box art. You should snap one off and post it. Nothing like looking at one of those Large VHS boxes!

I am still waiting on my DVD to get here. The order was sent on the 1st so it should be here sometime this week. I'm excited to see this one again in all its glory.

By the way Alan does your VHS copy still work? That is sweet if it does. I would hold onto that one.


I like your list of B-movie classics that need be on DVD, alan_lemley.
I would add to that list:

9) Avenging Force
10) The Human Shield
11) River of Death
12) McBain (Christopher Walken B-movie)

Some of Charles Band's Empire Pictures' flicks of the 80s would be cool too:

Metalstrom: The Destruction of Jared Syn

How is the picture on the "Gymkata" DVD?


Darko, yes i have the original oversize box of this and another fave movie of mine, Strange Brew. Both of these tapes are in great working order but i have no need to watch them since i also own the dvds. Heck, I even have the original marquee movie poster of Strange Brew mint condition. "Filmed in Hoserama" The guy from gymkata lives near me and i was thinking about getting his auto on the vhs box? Don't know about depreciation value though. What you think?

Ninja Joe, The picture quality is decent but you can never get everything out of these old movies i.e.( floaters, same as in vhs copy)The main thing is that it is in widescreen for me. You added some ones that needed to be on the list too. I have been looking for Exterminator 2 forever but can't seem to find it. They never released it on dvd and I know the movie is nowhere near as good as the first one but i just want it. plus its funny looking at famous people in movies when they were just starting out i.e. (Mario van peebles) main bad guy in exterminator 2.


Alan if you can get someone from the movie to sign it DO IT! It would make it much more valuable. Heck get your picture taken with the guy signing it. Also if you are interested here is something cool that has to do with Gymkata!

I have been begging the guys over at Aint it Cool News to do a review for this classic gem of a movie. I posted in several Talk Backs screaming for them to take a look at this classic and spread the joy of it. Well they actually responded and Vern one of the most hilarious reviewers working today wrote up the review. Here is the link to the review. I am referred to has Donald Drunko but I go by Donnie Drunko in the Talk Backs there. Anyways Enjoy its an Awesome Read....I'm still laughing.
