MovieChat Forums > The Goonies (1985) Discussion > Implications about the ending

Implications about the ending

I can imagine Mikey's dad Irving would still be hassled by Mr Perkins until he actually gets the gems valued and is able to continue mortgage payments, they will likely still face eviction.

Chunk might try to take Sloth home to live with him but his parents will likely get sick of his unpredictable behavior and want him to leave, in which case Chunk might try to run away with Sloth and he will likely get arrested and placed in a psych ward.

Brand and Andy will hang out and date but she might still have some feelings left for Troy which will complicate things and make it hard for her and Brand to take things further later.

Stephanie and Mouth seem to make up at the end and share a kiss but they will likely grow tired of each other due to their different personalities and things might not last between them.

Can anyone think of more to add or maybe alternate possibilities to mine?


There might be some legal recourse to allow extra time to process the new wealth (including taxes lol), so Perkins might have no choice but to deal with it.

Since the gems were probably going to save everyone's house, I assumed there would be a sort of even split among the families. With this in mind, I think that Sloth would end up with his own house eventually , and have a 'catch-up' education with tutors and such, so he'd end up more predictable and functional.

Andy and Brand might not last forever, but it seemed like they were about to try to start something. I think after everything she experienced, she in no way has any feelings toward Troy.

Steph and Mouth also have a slight age gap which I imagine has a bigger impact with younger ages. But they still might end up being close friends and more later on.

to add , I think that (especially if there is extra wealth left over after the houses are paid for) Data will have new means for greater experiments and inventions, possibly leading so a very practical one that nets even more money for him and his family.


The most pressing issue in my opinion is the fate of The Inferno, One-Eyed Willie's pirate ship.

The film ends with the cathartic warm-hearted feeling that the ship is free, where it belongs, sailing gloriously out to sea. But of course that wouldn't last. And just think of all the "rich stuff" still on the ship.

I am actually working on story for a Goonies sequel, just for the fun of it, and I do address what happens to the ship.

I will post the story here once I am finished.


When I was a kid I was so frustrated that nobody went after the ship. They just watched it sail away!

I think Andy stuck with her piano lessons...just in case she ever needed that skill again.

Brand aced drivers ed and got his license (finally).

Troy, a spoiled entitled rich kid, got into a drunk driving accident and lost his license.

Sloth, with his keen interest in chocolate and cooking shows, became a rather good pastry chef and Chunk eventually remodeled and ran the restaurant where they began their journey toward the rich stuff so that Sloth could work there.

Steph got contacts.

Mouth became a plumber like his dad.

Data got a high powered job at Apple (after all, he had smart inventions that just didn't seem to last very long).

Mikey got a PhD in history and wrote his thesis on the infamous One-Eyed Willie. He teaches a special history class on pirates at Oregon State University.


The Coast Guard grabbed the ship and the kids tried to lay a claim on it. They were informed that they were too young to do legal stuff like that so their parents made the claim on their behalf. There was some wrangling (the owners of the restaurant claimed that it all rightly belonged to them) but in the end the Goonies and their families wound up being fabulously wealthy. A few grew up to be stereotypical "rich jerks" like the guys they were threatened by in the beginning but most of them turned out to be decent people. Andy and Brand eventually break up because Andy keeps going back to the better kisser to see what else he's better at. Which turns out to be everything.

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- Jon Stewart


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I can imagine Mikey's dad Irving would still be hassled by Mr Perkins until he actually gets the gems valued and is able to continue mortgage payments, they will likely still face eviction.

It seemed like the families were willingly vacating their houses and making deals, not sticking it out until they were forcefully evicted. If thats true, they could easily backtrack and start making money from the treasure while Perkin's worked to find a way to evict them.


That's definitely a good theory. I'm guessing the gems would've been split evenly between them all.
