MovieChat Forums > Ghoulies Discussion > Similar themed movie...only monsters are...

Similar themed movie...only monsters are aliens

I saw a movie in the mid 80's on mustve been around the time that Ghoulies and Critters came out cuz it also dealt with small monsters. The main plot is that a Archaelogy professor is excavating the ruins of MachuPichu with his son and his sons girlfriend trying to make a galactic connection between the ruins and alien visitors. Along the way, they stumble upon small statues of monsters...the thing is when the statues get an electric charge, they animate and become real. They must be electrocuted again to turn to stone. People die as the statues come to life and the son and girlfriend are left trying to "shock" these things back to stone. This movie ends with the professor stating something along the lines of "Machu Pichu, toxic waste dump of the stars..." Then they drive off with one statue in the back of a truck and the last scene is a lightning bolt hitting the statue... This was a cool ass 80's movie...similar to "the gate" and other fun movies...if anyone knows the name of this movie or an actor that we can track down thru IMDB to find out what the movie was called..i would greatly appreciate your help.



It's called "Munchies".


Wow, "Munchies". How many ripoffs of Gremlins were there? I thought Ghoulies was entertaining in its own right as a Gremlins ripoff with the black magic angle.
