Reggie's fate

What do you guys think happened to Reggie the Reckless after the events of the movie? Since they didn't reference him in Jason Lives, I wonder if he was institutionalized or something since essentially the same thing happened to him as it did Tommy.

I assume it must've been pretty traumatic to come face-to face with a serial killer and then find out he murdered your family.

Formerly Eclectic_Flamingo


I didn't think he was institutionalized, but I only based that on how excited he was during the machete vs chainsaw fight. He didn't seem too traumatized, but maybe he would be after finding out his family was butchered.

I think the real question is: what happened to Gordon the dog in part 4?!


He should have been in part 6 at the beginning...Instead of horseshack...

I love Debi Sue Voorhees:
