MovieChat Forums > Fraternity Vacation (1985) Discussion > Fraternity Vacation fan dvd commentary

Fraternity Vacation fan dvd commentary

With Spring Break upon us, we figured it was time to cut loose and party a bit by covering the underrated 80s teen sex romp comedy Fraternity Vacation. It's a timeless story of cool frat dudes trying to win a sex bet against some rich preppies. Truly a movie with something for everyone. Grab a cup of soup and put your headphones on!


As much as Sheree Wilson was nice to look at I do agree with the commentators why she was the babe of the movie when Barbara and Kathleen were the real babes of this movie.


When it came to Mother spying on Ashley naked, one of the commentators thought it was a body double instead of Sheree as they could not see Sheree's face with this nakedness.

The commentator thought this body double is Barbara Crampton but no it was instead Roberta Whitewood as it says so in the end credits.

As much as I appreciate Roberta's lovely body, it is too bad the body double wasn't Barbara and while Sheree is not unattractive it definitely would have been more believable if Ashley, that the boys had made a bet on, had been played instead by Barbara as Barbara is definitely worth making a bet for.
If Ashley had been played by Barbara I would not go after her because of a bet. I will do it because I really want her.

On the Chrissie-Marianne nude it is too bad the commentators did not study the faces of those who were in that scene.

Mother and Joe sure looked excited with the disrobing of the girls with gulps and Mother giving a slight grin.

When the boys ran away from the naked girls with the fake excuse of a dying grandmother, the look that Chrissie gave to Marianne clearly shows that the herpes joke had worked.
Marianne despite being in on the joke looked rather hurt on being rejected by the boys.
Perhaps being naked the rejection was more hurtful than if she had been rejected with her clothes on.

Frankly those boys were idiots to run away from two beautiful naked women. If I had been in that scene I would stayed right there as I would not have cared if they had herpes for real.
If they had herpes it definitely would have been worth it.


One of the commentators wondered why Kathleen as Marianne is not angry that her boyfriend Chas is not angry that he is making a play for another girl for a bet and why she is not bothered about getting naked in front of two complete strangers in Joe and Mother.

The late Roger Ebert in his review of Fraternity Vacation presented his theory that Chrissie and Marianne were hookers because of their striptease scene.

Interestingly enough Barbara was in The Godson in which she played a hooker who kept her clothes on!

So if we to accept Ebert's hooker theory, Barbara played an implicit hooker who had her clothing removed in Fraternity Vacation but in The Godson she was an explicit hooker who kept her clothes on!

If Chrissie and Marianne were indeed hookers that would certainly explain why they emotionally had no problem getting naked in front of two complete strangers they just met and why they had no problem with the bet on Ashley.


Upon seeing Barbara and Kathleen taking off their bikinis and becoming very naked, Cameron Dye sure tried to keep it together but gulped and nodding his head when Barbara as Chrissie asked if they were ready for this along the way.
Tim Robbins could not help but grin on seeing two beautiful naked girls.
Prior to bikini removals the boys had smooches with the girls. It was quite noticeable that Robbins and Barbara avoided lip to lip contact with Barbara as Chrissie somewhat quickly asking Kathleen as Marianne to take off Chrissie's "uncomfortable bikini".
Even though Kathleen was paired off with Dye in this scene, Kathleen, pre-bikini removal did a little seduction on Robbins by touching Robbins on his chest at the same time she got Dye holding her.
Dye sure took it all in when he was kissing Kathleen and briefly touched her bum.
I can only guess that Dye was self-conscious about kissing Kathleen since he is five years older than her and especially with the fact that she was only 19 at the time, just a small time since she was allowed to show her beautiful breasts in a movie.
