This movie SUCKS

wow... this movie is such a piece of crap. I came across this film one sleepless night at like 3:30AM (no wonder they put it on at such an hour, it's so horribly bad no normal human being would ever want to watch it unless their judgement is severely hampered by sleep deprivation)

I'm all for movies that don't pull any punches. The violence and sex weren't really what bothered me (although that rape scene was disturbing). It was just the AWFUL, HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE and PAINFULLY BAD acting, writing, directing, costume design, storyline, cinematography, music, and blatant historical inaccuracy. Errrrrgh. WHY ARE THESE MOVIES MADE? And for whom? Severely brain-damaged individuals with no taste in cinema? I guess that's it.

Although, I shouldn't be so harsh, this movie made no money and got completely ignored by everyone, so it got what it deserved.


watch it again, this time with a plastic bag tightly over your head




This movie is forgotten due to how incredibly conventional and sappy the ending is. Sappy and conventional films go nowhere. There's nothing to leave you thinking.



Perhaps the OP just wants to reach out for some sense of community.
