MovieChat Forums > Flesh+Blood (1985) Discussion > Flesh+Blood or Ladyhawke

Flesh+Blood or Ladyhawke

As far as dated Medieval movies go...

I hadn't heard of F+B, but it was on-demand and it sounded good-- Rutger Hauer, mid-80's, sword-fighting. I got about halfway through it before the raping got to be a bit much and I didn't get back to it before the rental ran out. To watch it I'd either have to rewatch the first hour (with the raping) or fast-forward at extremely slow speed. Neither really appeals to me, so I may never finish this one.

So I have to go with Ladyhawke. It's got a hilariously dated 80's synth-score, but there's very little raping. Plus it has Leo McKern.


well, it has been a very long time since I last watched Ladyhawke, but pretty sure we are talking two completely different type of movies (besides the era) so hard to really compare in that sense.


The rape scene is not really that long. Just go in the kitchen and make some popcorn or peanut butter crackers. By the time you return it should be over.


What's so bad about the rape scéne?

just a few actors moving sugestively, if it disturbs you just remind yourself the director probably said cut a few times, everyone stopped, laughed had a cigarette, and redid it.

Honestly it's just people pretending, I saw this when I was a hormonal teen on vcr (dad taped it from tv back then) and I realised this allready back then, heck this movie was my "swimsuit magazine" so to speak, never understood why people get so upset or shocked instead of just enjoying the nudity of an actress.


Definitely for me its Ladyhawke, sword play, beautiful people, the black horse, Matthew Broderick, and of course Rutger and Michelle, and Leo McKern. Just one of my all time favorite movies!!!! Sorry if i misspelled some of the names!!! I keep in touch with a gal who lives in England and interviewed Rutger about three years ago, even have his pix with her and him in it. Great photo!!!!




"LADYHAWKE is mindless fun for an audience that doesn't want to be bothered to think too much, while FLESH + BLOOD is a genuinely challenging film, an actual piece of art that demands active rather than passive viewing. And it also hasn't dated in the least"

Totally agree, i couldnt have put it any better myself.



I freaking HATE Ladyhawke.

Do not click on this link without my permission:


Aside from the medieval setting, I don't really find this comparable to Ladyhawke. I barely got through the rape scene myself & tbh, gave this a 4 because I quite hated the movie. So Ladyhawke for me.


I realize that I am late in coming to the converstaion, but did you hate the movie because of the gratuitous rape, or for another reason? Please note that I am not judging, just curious- You are well within your right do dislike a movie for such a thing, I feel.
